Home   |  Issues  |  The Daily Star Home | Volume 1, Issue 35, Tuesday, January 27, 2004



treats & trends
Eid is here, and it's time for the extra smiles to appear. Don't forget to keep your copy of Lifestyle handy, as we show you all the ways to make this festival a memorable one.

Flip through Page 1 for the scoop on the best buys and all you need for Eid. Also look out for the things at the International trade fair that may interest men.

Page 2 gives you a look at what's new and what's making the news in the world of fashion.

This week's centre page literally brings you the world on a plate, as we focus on a wealth of recipes from home and abroad.

To be able to enjoy your Eid delights, you need good teeth, so don't miss out Dental Wise on Page 3.

In Page 4, we take a tour of the varied world of spices and a closer look at the do's and don'ts for the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha. Plus, do check out what the stars have in store for you in this holiday season!

Finally, get the party started with our article on party décor on Back Page.


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