Home   |  Issues  |  The Daily Star Home | Volume 1, Issue 43, Tuesday, March 30, 2004

















juice café

Fruits form an essential part of a healthy diet. Sometimes we eat them whole, and sometimes we consume them in the juice form. Whatever the mode of consumption, fruits are vital to our wellbeing, and even more so for people living in tropical countries like Bangladesh. The capital city, Dhaka, has become a busy, bustling place, with people constantly on the go. It is a common sight, especially during the hot summer months, to find residents of this city rushing towards juice cafés for refreshment purposes.

The pictures here show a cool and comfortable juice café. Attractive surroundings, comfortable and functional arrangements within a limited budget, these were the main concerns when working on the décor of this place.

The shop is about 15'0"520'0" in size. "Level Creation" is the creative answer to creating a roomy interior within this space. The lower floor is covered with homogenous tiles for a clean appearance and easy maintenance. Polished ceramic tiles were used for the higher floor. A curved, raised area was used for seating arrangements. A small stair-step was placed to provide access to this raised area.

The curved section is circumscribed by a glass-brick wall, which also has a stepped design. Over the glass bricks is a red striped line. The curved glass bricks resemble ice cubes and have a cooling visual effect. Above the raised section, there is an eye-catching semicircle shaped trust ceiling. Surrounding the trust ceiling is a curved white partex ceiling. Multi-angle line ceilings are set into the remaining portion. These are made of particle boards and garjon wood. Spotlights fit into the ceiling provide illumination and create a bright, functional atmosphere.

The large counter table with fruits showing through the glass offers the customers a choice of the juices available. Above the counter table is a cabinet for storing fruits and glasses. Behind the counter, a small kitchen has also been installed. It is an essential and functional feature of the café. A stepped, curved wall separates the kitchen from the counter area. A striking blue on the walls also produces another interesting effect.

Wide, clear glass, bordered by white Thai aluminium is used for the shop front. Shutters are used for security.

The colour of the wall is very important. Since striking colours have been used for the ceiling, the walls have been painted white. It serves the dual purpose of setting a contrast, and also of creating an illusion of space within the small area.

Colourful chairs and round tables have been placed in the seating area, co-ordinated with the colour scheme of the place. A painting adds a gorgeous touch to the walls, while an arrangement of green plants gives it a homely and healthy feel. This is the kind of place one would want to sit in and sip cool fruit drinks, forgetting about the sweltering heat of the summer season.

By Nazneen Haque Mimi
Photo Credit: Bashir Ahmed Sujan













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