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Home | Issues | The Daily Star Home | Volume 2, Issue 10, Tuesday August 31, 2004 |
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Spotlight TLC Talkies... “I
am so spoilt by my husband." Women love to be pampered (even the hard core feminists). It is in-built in their systems to feel special (and all the time too). Some wise (of course) man once commented that a little attention and appreciation for the wives could do wonders to married life. Only the ones who are still not aware of this fact are the unhappy lots. Generally, people think that love withers after marriage, meaning it's there but in a dormant stage, taken for granted sort of a thing. This is precisely the attitude that leads to the erosion of romance after marriage. Surprise your wife once in a while and see how this 'fact' is disproved. Some would say it's so filmi, but where do you think the film directors get their ideas from, eh? Real life of course. Book a table for romantic dinner, even better, take her to lunch on a busy weekday, and you're bound to win brownie points. In order to really surprise her, lunches are highly recommended, (it would be an added bonus if you look up her work schedule). If it's lunch, restaurants around Gulshan offer wonderful buffets at very low cost. So during lunch break, grab quick bite and remind her that she matters. If it's dinner then please plan ahead. Inform the restaurant, arrange for flowers and if it's your anniversary or a special occasion that you are celebrating, then have a gift nicely wrapped. Usually, dinners are formal affairs, and are recommended for special occasions only. If you have kids, arrange for a baby sitter and don't feel bad about it because love needs nurturing too. On her birthdays or Mother's day, make it a family affair with her as the focal point (as always). It would be a great idea if you can arrange for a cake before hand. (Tip: take help of the restaurant people). However these are normal stuff; even the man with little imagination (like the ones us unlucky ones live with) can think of these. But you score ten on ten if you can arrange for a surprise vacation during school break and have your kid, who studying abroad and whom mommy dearest is missing terribly, to be around. This would certainly make her feel that she is always on top of your list even after years together (you would touch her maternal being this time). Another handy hint that you should remember is always try listen to the hints she is dropping, things like how she loves the fragrance of Clinique's 'Happy' or White Linen of Estee Lauder is her eternal favourite. Or how she always sighs when she sees that diamond top from Nakshahtra, or that solitaire. Pretend that you didn't understand or get the message (but make sure you do get the message secretly) and at the right moment sweep her off her feet by bringing it up. Believe me all this tender loving care will be equally reciprocated. She should feel that she is important to you. Even if you can't do all these, make her truly feel important in your life then life would indeed be a bed of roses. By Raffat Binte Rashid Tips Getting rid of hicc Ups Oh those hiccups nearly killed me last afternoon…we have heard so many people repeating such a statement with endless contempt. Hiccup is a sudden uncontrolled stopping of the breath with a sharp gulp-like sound, often repeating at small intervals. Though there are no perfect remedies to hiccups, there are a few interesting things that we can try doing when a hiccup attack makes life miserable. The simplest thing that you can do is drink a glass of water and then eat a piece of bread when series of hiccups are annoying you. One possible way to cure hiccups is by firmly holding the opening of a brown paper bag over your mouth and nose and then breathing through your mouth for 5 times in and out of the bag- the carbon dioxide from you breath will stop the hiccups. Some people also believe that consuming a teaspoon of honey also helps in immediate cure of hiccups. Some people even say that placing a paper towel over a glass of water and then drinking it will help cure hiccups. Mind you that you must drink the water with the paper towel on top of your glass! I once read in a book that there are a lot of people who believe that if you eat a spoonful of sugar during hiccups, it will be cured instantly. There are others, who believe in a fascinating belief that rubbing ear lobes during hiccups helps in relieving it. You can also put your hands above your head to cure hiccups. Raising hands over your head will stretch your diaphragm and thus control hiccups. Some people even trust in the idea that swallowing a teaspoon of vinegar help in instant curing of hiccups. Hiccups can be deadly at times, and you must try to stop them as soon as they start. You can try the above tips from time to time and check if they really work. By
Penelope Diary of a Food Obsessed Person By Sam Q Dearest
diary, Yeah, getting into my gym clothes, bending down to wear my sneakers does kinda take a toll, but I manage. I tried to work out in my shalwar kamiz, but I kinda looked like the fat lady who fled from the circus so I stopped. The first day at the gym, I felt so nervous and self conscious around those fit and young women pounding the treadmill in their trendy gym gear that I almost turned on my heels to go back and wallow in my self gloom but just in time a few actual plus sized women breezed in and made me feel right at home. If only you could see the look on my face which said, " even fat women use the gym." So, after the initial trauma of facing myself in those huge mirrors on the wall I gingerly got on the treadmill to punch those twinkling buttons to get myself started and then guess what… the stupid machine wants me to punch in my weight. Why? What good will that do? Why does this steel monster need to know my weight? I was about to get off the treadmill and bid adieu to my weight loss plan for good, because I wasn't about to announce my weight to anyone, be it a machine, when suddenly the instructor comes up and conjures up a fictitious number (which by the way I highly approved) and coolly punched it in. So, then the machine sort of woke up to the fact that it was the time to disco… sorry… it was the time to work and I was also by that time suitably pacified to start my work out. I actually looked kinda cool with my black track bottoms and cute black T-shirt. I was actually contemplating to add a pair of black sunglasses to my ensemble when I thought I just might be mistaken for RAB and would be denied my membership, so I stopped there. So diary, I have to admit, it felt good after the whole rigmarole of the treadmill, cross-trainer and the cycling machine. At the end of each workout the feeling of accomplishment is quite profound. To finish of today's diary I must pay tribute to one of my gym friends Shumi. She has been a great motivator in my gym life. She should've been an instructor of some sort because she can really talk to encourage and make you want to go ahead and do it. She has tremendous determination, grit and stamina. Though she is a young friend of mine, in spite of that what I want to say is, when I grow up I want to be like her. My strength training and giving up sugar is totally her contribution. When I see the slight dip in my bicep and little bit of weight shifting after giving up sugar, I bow my head to her. So, diary a sugarless recipe for you today. Chocolate
and banana muffin
To decorate dust with powdered sugar alternate or pipe with
melted white chocolate
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