
<%-- Page Title--%> Health <%-- End Page Title--%>

<%-- Volume Number --%> Vol 1 Num 127 <%-- End Volume Number --%>

October 17, 2003

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Kids Health Tooth Injuries

A dislodged baby tooth cannot be replaced. A permanent tooth, on the other hand, can often be saved if prompt action is taken and the tooth is handled carefully. The delicate tissue covering the root, called the periodontal ligament, must be protected to ensure successful re-implantation.

What to do when a baby or toddler injures gums or teeth:
- If there is bleeding, put cold water on a piece of gauze and apply pressure to the site.
- Offer him an ice pop to suck, to reduce swelling.
- Call your dentist. He or she will probably want to see the child to assess the need for realignment, or removal of a very loose tooth. If the child is very young, the dentist may recommend a spacer to keep the rest of the teeth in place until the permanent tooth appears.
- Over the following week, watch for signs of an abscess: fever and swollen, tender gums above the injury site.
If a permanent tooth is chipped or broken:
- Collect all the pieces of the tooth.
Rinse the damaged area of the mouth with warm water.
- Give the child a cold compress to hold on the injured tooth.
- See your dentist right away. He or she will probably want to see the child to assess the need for realignment, or removal of a very loose tooth. If the child is very young, the dentist may recommend a spacer to keep the rest of the teeth in place until the permanent tooth appears.

A dislodged baby tooth cannot be replaced. A permanent tooth, on the other hand, can often be saved if prompt action is taken and the tooth is handled carefully. The delicate tissue covering the root, called the periodontal ligament, must be protected to ensure successful re-implantation.
If a permanent tooth is chipped or broken:
- Collect all the pieces of the tooth.
- Rinse the damaged area of the mouth with warm water.
- Give the child a cold compress to hold on the injured tooth.
- See your dentist right away.

If a permanent tooth is knocked out:
- Hold the tooth by the crown (the top), not the root.
- Rinse the tooth immediately with saline solution or milk. Tap water should be used only as a last resort; it contains chlorine, which may damage the root. Do not scrub the tooth.
- The best place to preserve the tooth on the way to the dentist is in its socket. If your child is old enough and mature enough not to swallow it, replace it gently, then have the child bite down on a gauze pad to keep it in place.

If the tooth cannot be re-inserted put it in milk -- a good preservative because its chemical makeup is compatible with teeth. If milk is not available, place it inside your own mouth, between your teeth and cheek. It can also be placed in the child's mouth if he is old enough and mature enough to co-operate.
- Give the child a gauze pad or handkerchief to bite down on, which will help suppress bleeding and ease the pain.

See your dentist right, or visit your local children's hospital -- most also have dental services for children.

Source: YahooHealth


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