Literary Theories & Criticisms
Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
Charles E. Bressler (editor)
Pearson Education; August 2006
The second edition of Literary Criticism by Charles E. Bressler is designed to help readers make conscious, informed, and intelligent choices concerning literary interpretation. By explaining the historical development and theoretical positions of eleven schools of criticism, author Charles Bressler reveals the richness of literary texts along with the various interpretative approaches that will lead to a fuller appreciation and understanding of such texts.
The Norton Anthology: Theory and Criticism
Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.; June 2001
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism presents a staggeringly varied collection of the most influential critical statements from the classical era to the present day. Edited by scholars and teachers whose interests range from the history of poetics to postmodernism, from classical rhetoric to ériture féminine, and from the social construction of gender to the machinery of academic superstardom, The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism promises to become the standard anthology in its field.
The Critical Tradition: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends
David H. Richter (editor)
Bedford/St. Martin's; March 2006
This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date anthology of major documents in literary criticism and theory from Plato to the present, with a highly praised critical apparatus, including introductions, headnotes, bibliographies, and glosses.
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