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    Volume 8 Issue 71 | May 29, 2009 |

  Cover Story
  Special Feature
  Writing the Wrong
  Human Rights
  Star Diary
  Book Review
  Post Script

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Star Diary

An Unfortunate Boy
On my way to my university every day, I come across Shamim, a 7-8-year-old boy with a very innocent and captivating smile. In fact, he seems to be the happiest boy in the world. Unfortunately, he was born disabled and in a poor family. Like me, the other students on campus have a soft spot for this child. One day I decided to give him a lunch box. As soon as he saw the box with the lunch inside, he gave the same sweet smile that he always had for us and started to call for his father who was nearby. His parents make him beg, because a boy in his condition can get plenty of alms from people around. Even though I thought it was not right on the part of Shamim's parents to make him beg, I also know for a fact that there is very little they can do to survive in this world. It is a wonder however; I know plenty of people who simply waste money, whereas millions of children like Shamim are fighting to survive in Bangladesh. I wish we could all change the way we think, save a little and help these children.

Umme Farhana Haque
Department of Political Science
University of Dhaka

Is it Too Much to Ask for?
It was a month ago when my friends and I were going home from our school. On our way we bought some chips and soft drinks. After finishing our snacks my friends started to throw away all the packets outside on the street. I was appalled by what they were doing, and asked them not to throw them. They could rather keep the wrappers with them and then later on dispose them inside a trashcan. My advice appeared lame to them as they began to laugh. Many do not know the significance of keeping their surroundings clean and throw the trash on the streets. What is the difference between being educated and uneducated when we happen to be doing the same unlawful things? We live in Dhaka and it is our duty to keep it clean.

Nishat Binte Mohiuddin
Maple Leaf International School

Helpless and Homeless
A few days back while crossing a pavement, I ran into a man feeding a street dog. The dog was hairless, the body marked with scars, its eyes red, hands and legs thin and feeble. It was unable to stand, so it was lying down and taking food from the man. I suddenly felt pity for the poor creature. However the person feeding the dog was in a rather pitiful condition as well. He was old and frail with age, in tattered torn clothes. His hands and legs were shaking. I went towards him, apprehending that he might fall any moment. He said he was feeding the dog because it was ill and uncared for. He said that he understood the dog's pain and condition very well. I was stunned. Despite being in a devastating state himself, he cared more for the dog. This is a lesson we are to learn from this person, that humanity is still alive in this world.

Noshin Sharar

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