Star Diary

Other day I was returning home from my coaching at Shahjanpur with my mother. We could not find any rickshaws and we had to walk. As we were crossing Khilgaon railgate a man suddenly pulled my hands. The place was crowded and at first I thought it had happened accidentally. But then he pushed me and whispered bad words.
I was shocked and stood still for sometime. Meanwhile the man had run away. I told my mother about this and she got very frightened. She has advised me not to go to the coaching for a few days. Why do women have to bear the trauma that follows this kind of sexual harassment? Should not we take steps to stop this?
Mughdapara, Dhaka
No Bangla Music in Fast Food outlets
A few days ago, I went to a famous fast food outlet with my friends. It was bucketing down outside. The downpour seemed like an old friend who had finally found us. We all were enjoying the moment. But, we were disturbed by the music played in the restaurant.
Several English songs with high tempo were played. When we ordered our food, we asked them whether they could change the music. They stopped playing music. After sometime, a remix version of some Hindi songs started to play. We all were just dumbfounded. We asked them politely to play a Bangla song. Just a Tagore song could have changed the atmosphere at terabytes! The reply they gave left us in utter dismay. They didn't have any Bangla song! I don't detest listening to songs of other culture and languages. But the restaurants in our country should also reflect our culture.
Rabiul Islam
University of Dhaka

That day while I was travelling on a bus, everything was going on fine and smooth before two young men murmured a song. Feeling annoyed, an elderly man, sitting right in front started to shout and thus on argument begun. All the passengers on the bus got involved by supporting the elderly person.
When things were getting worse, a man from back came and asked the young men to stop quarreling and surprisingly they at once stopped. Seeing this, a middle-aged passenger got excited and shouted at the top of his voice saying that young men like these should be beaten up and to my shock he actually slapped one of them.
Suddenly six tall and muscular young men from different corners of the bus got up, who turned out to be the friends of the youths, walked to the middle aged man and all six of them slapped him one after another, and threatened to beat him up as soon as the next stop came. The victim immediately got down from the moving bus. Seeing this, the elderly man immediately apologised. The youths decided not to harm him as he was aged.
Rahim Abu Ali Sajwani
North South University
(R) 2010