Lost Wards of the State
Last week's cover story was a really interesting and well written piece, though it made me sad at people's ignorance and greed. The article was rich in its attention to details and brought up unexpected aspects to this illegal trade – like the scam, which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of several geckos.
It also brought to light the huge amount of money involved in this trade. It's really sad that in our quest for a better life, many have decided to make an attempt to absolutely 'finish' our wild life. I hope concerned authorities catch the criminals and severely punish them.
Abdul Jabar Khan
Mirpur, Dhaka
The Dhanmondi Dream Shattered
Although the Star did a wonderful job by bringing out the woes of Dhanmondi dwellers, the piece clearly shows that nothing is going to change. I do not understand how government officials remain oblivious to directives issued by the highest court of law in the country. Why can't they take the initiative and order to put the directive in effect? Why can't these institutions work in coordination and chalk out a viable plan to relocate the commercial institutions elsewhere? If planning had not been done in the past, there is no reason why it cannot be done now! I didn't grow up in Dhanmondi, but I do remember the serenity of the area.Yes, it will be a little inconvenient for us to get our groceries, medicines etc. But for the short walk, I am sure we can do without the traffic jams, without the constant chaos of students in the neighbouring buildings or the hospital junks on our sun shades. Please let Dhanmondi be the residential area that it is supposed to be. Please do not let the Dhanm-ondi Dream get shattered.
Sonia Ahmed
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Photo: Zahedul I Khan
In the Race to the Bottom
I am writing in response to the article 'In the Race to the Bottom', published on 29th June, 2012. It was, indeed, a remarkable article. It illustrates the sufferings of the garment workers who form the bulk of the factories. It's true that garment factories have been playing a significant role in the country's economy. The labourers have every reason to come out on the streets to voice their concerns. Sometimes it becomes impossible for them to manage even three meals a day! How is it possible to survive with a minimum wage of Tk 3000 only?
It is really unfair to them considering their contribution to our economy. Would it be possible to run so many garment factories without them? I wish the owners of the industry would realise the matter and increase their salaries so that
the workers can at least afford their most basic entities.
Shakir Yesir
Rajshahi University

Photo: Amirul Rajiv
Greener Vegetables
Nowadays it has become a fashion to project fruits and vegetables, sold by many vendors, as “100 percent chemical-free.” But there always remains a doubt. Mangoes, for instance, are supposed to be collected directly from the orchards. It certainly is not free from chemicals because farmers use pesticides to protect them from insects. It's the same for all the other fruits, vegetables and crops.
The article "Greener Vegetables" published on 29th June, 2012, mentions about the bad effects of chemical pesticides. Just a few days before the article was published, 14 children lost their lives, as they consumed poisonous lichies, which was believed to have been grown with chemical pesticides in Dinajpur.
Fresh and Safe Agro Ltd (FASAL) has created an unprecedented example and has given the country a ray of hope through its bio pesticides. The government and others agro-farms should use them to take our country ahead. I sincerely request FASAL to spread their bio innovation throughout the nation.
Aziz Ahmed
Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Kadamtala to Rajarbag
Kadamtala and Rajarbag are two residential areas under the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) that has been constantly expanding. The only main road in between Kadamtala and Rajarbag is very narrow and is approximately 16 to 20 feet wide. Both the areas are densely populated and traffic jams are a common phenomenon. The road currently is in a very bad shape. If it was taken care of at the right time, re-carpeting it could have made the road usable. But unfortunately, the then DCC neglected the problem and did not re-carpet the road. The condition of the road today is extremely bad and needs lot more than just carpeting.
The seasonal rainfall has made it worse. People passing by cannot see the pit holes on the road, in the dark, since they are covered with water. On behalf of the city dwellers of the localities, I urge to the DCC (South) to take urgent measures in order to repair the main road.
Mohd Ashraf Hossain
Kadamtala, Dhaka

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