Bravo Obaidul Quader
I would like to congratulate the Star for publishing an article depicting Obaidul Quader's work. We appreciate the work of the leaders who are doing well and who actually serve the people. The magazine should also write about those ministers who sit in "cool" rooms and live on the public's money.
Nizamuddin Al-Hussainy
Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka
Goodbye Neil!
Photo: AFP |
I think there was a point in most of our life's time when almost everybody wanted to be an astronaut. Neil Armstrong was the reason behind that aim. He single-handedly inspired tens and thousands of people to follow their dreams, no matter how difficult the task was. I remember when I was in class five, at school; my science teacher had shown us a vivid presentation of the obstacles that Armstrong had to tackle in order to achieve his mission. I might have been extremely young back then, but that single class opened a door for me. It didn't actually, inspire me to be an astronaut, but it gave me a reason to believe that one day my dream will come true.
I guess the 'blue moon' was nature's tribute to the legendary astronaut. Thank you Mr Armstrong for giving the world a reason to believe.
Jaber Hossain
Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Will Limon ever be free?
As a citizen of this country, I have lost all hope on our judiciary. The latest series of cases filed against Limon are despicable to say the least. He'll have to bear the burden of these cases for a number of years and only God knows if he can complete college in peace. The case which initially seemed to be going in favour of the 16-year-old has taken a U-turn and as of now it seems as though the law enforcement agencies are hell bent on punishing an innocent child.
The boy wasn't even allowed to have a normal Eid, after he was tortured by a gangster in the area that he lived in. How much can a young, handicapped boy take? He faces problems going to school and has trouble leading his daily life, as it is; the extra burden is definitely going to make it worse. I request officials concerned to listen to the boy's plea and LEAVE him alone.
Abdul Khan
Dhanmondi, Dhaka
MA Jalil Ananto: Man of the Moment
I just wanted to say that I am extremely irritated at the way that majority of the country has reacted to Ananto's films. It's not because I don't enjoy watching funny movies, it's only because I don't think appreciating his movies can do our film industry any good.
Yes, it's true that his movies sell like hotcakes, but really, is this how we really want cinema to progress? It would have been acceptable if the actor/producer purposely created movies like these, just to spread a laugh or just for business, but judging by his recent interviews on YouTube, it seems as though Ananto is completely unaware of the kind of branding that his movies have got.
The one thing that needs to be appreciated though is his desire to spend so much money on his movies. Our cinema industry has a number of good directors who need money to make their films. I just hope that these filmmakers, in a bid to make fast money, don't end up following Ananta's strategy.
Saima Khan
Bashabo, Dhaka

Photo: Star File
The World's Most Unlivable City
It doesn't actually seem hard to believe that Dhaka was rated as the most unlivable city in the world in a recent analysis. The fact that the city was rated lower than a number of other impoverished areas in itself should be a wake-up call for our administrators. It's a shame really!
There are a number of factors that have put us right at the top of this rather disreputable list and we really need to address them. Starting from conducting elections, something that hasn't happened in a while to reserving more space for greenery, as opposed to continuous constructions, we need several interventions.
Honestly speaking, if it wasn't for the regular rainfall, which regularly disposes the toxic wastes from factories and other sources; we would have been in a much worse position. It's time to call the country's best urban experts and conduct five to ten-year long plans that can help the city revive.
Anika Hassan,
Mirpur, Dhaka
The opinions expressed in these letters do not necessarily represent the views held by the Star. |
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