Star Satire
I really enjoy it when the Star publishes special satire issues. It is a nice change of pace from the usual serious perspective the Star brings every weekend. Through crisp, witty and insightful satire pieces, the special issue highlighted many of our socio-cultural and political aspects in a way that was highly enjoyable to read. The issues that have been addressed with commendable humour are nevertheless relevant and of great importance to the people of this country. Humour is often the best way to deal with the difficulties of life, and we, of all people, need to learn how to laugh at ourselves and at our situations if we are going to remain sane. Sometimes we need to be able to make fun of the office pervert, the corrupt politicians and leaders, the greedy land grabbers and the Bangladeshi topsy-turvy worldview. The skillful illustrations and caricatures throughout the issue gave the magazine a wonderful look and made it a pleasure to read.
Gopal Nath
Adieu Sunil!
Sunil's death means the fall of another superstar in Bangla literature! Sunil, Bangla literature will miss your presence. I heard the tragic news from renowned Bangladeshi poet Obayed Akash, when I went to meet him.
I am a big fan of Sunil's poetry but I'm not sure whether he is a good prose writer and if he has excellent narrative style and story telling skills. Yet, his strength is that he was a great friend of Bangladesh and Bangladeshi literati. Bangladeshi writers must be grateful to him. He was in good terms with most of the Bangladeshi writers, especially Humayun Ahmed, the most popular writer and story teller of Bangladesh. During our Liberation War, when American poet Allen Gingsberg visited the refugee camps and wrote the immortal poem "September on Jessore Road", Sunil was the guide and companion of that rebel poet, whose poem drew global attention. We gravely mourn his death.
Sabidin Ibrahim
Via email
On the Sundarbans
Photo: Star File |
I have just read the cover story by Tamanna Khan. My special thanks to her for this informative article. According to this article we can't make the Sundarbans into another Cox's Bazar or Saint Martin's. Nowadays, tourism is one of the profitble ways to earn foreign currency. But it is a sorry state of affairs that our government is so unaware of this. They observe Tourism Day religiously but forget it right after. It is necessary to include tourism as a subject at the Secondary and Higher Secondary level.
Mahadi Hasan

Photo: Mumit M
Unravelling the Truth
Your rather heavy cover story of "Unravelling the Pain" on 19 October, 2012 has surely touched many readers. Now we are certain that the destructive instincts of the evil-doers is responsible for attacks on the Buddhist community in Ramu, Teknaf, Patiya and Ukhiya. It seems to us that it would be very difficult to find out the real culprits who did this to shatter the image of our country.
Bangladesh is a secular country. We are amazed to see that bigots are so determined to erase our heritage. Different ethnic groups have been living in peace and harmony since the ancient times. We always love to cherish unity and diversity. But the present world of ours tells us a different, disturbing story.
Perhaps time will give us the answer. The common people are of the opinion that conspiracy is the theme of national and international politics in our times in order to dominate other nations with guns and force.
Nevertheless, your cover story is unique. The Star deserves appreciation and praise from all of its serious readers.
Abul Ashraf Noor
Via e-mail
I am writing this letter in response to a piece titled "With a Conscience" published in Star Diary on October 19, 2012. I was speechless and shocked by the atrocious act done by the young boys, and was flabbergasted at the same time to see that the writer did not do anything to save the poor, naive and helpless kittens who were beaten to death by the boys in front of their mother. What a shame! He talked about 'conscience' in the article; what did his conscience tell him to do? Just stand and watch the kittens die a miserable death! Change does not come if one doesn't take initiative. Instead of watching the kittens die if the writer would at least try to save them, that would have helped to bring a change in the society. The boys who killed the kittens and the writer who watched and did nothing about it are both guilty.
Maafi Rizwana Islam
Dino Nath Sen Road
Gandaria, Dhaka
The opinions expressed in these letters do not necessarily represent the views held by the Star. |
Submission Guideline:
Letters to the Editor, Star Diary and Write to Mita, with the writer's name and address, should be within 200 words. All articles should be within 1,200 words. A cover letter is not necessary, but every write-up should include the writer's name, phone number and email address (if any). While The Star welcomes unsolicited articles and photographs, it cannot accept the responsibility of their loss or damage. The Star does not return unsolicited articles and photos. Response time for unsolicited write-ups ranges from three weeks to two months. All articles submitted are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity.
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