"The party [BNP] had been pursuing wrong policies, especially from 2001, when it made a political alliance with the Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Oikya Jote."
BNP Standing Committee member
He commented on BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia's new stance on India as "a change of mindset" and "her realisation to this end."
"What she [Khaleda Zia] said during her recent New Delhi visit was just for the sake of saying it. She would surely return to her party's previous stance… Bangladesh would become an extension of Pakistan if Khaleda came to power again."
Former Home Minister
About BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia's reverse stance on relations with India.
"I did not know where the home of Barrister Rafiq was. After the television talk show, a man from Comilla sent me a letter asking me to learn about Rafiq and said that local people knew him as Rafiq razakar."
Shipping Minister
About BNP leader Barrister Rafiqul Islam Mia, after the duo appeared on a talk show that had to wind up because they locked into an indecent altercation.
"The old mindset should be changed … having some education does not mean that one cannot be involved in agricultural activities."
Prime Minister
She urged youths to engage in agro-based entrepreneurship, noting that the demand of food grain would never decrease.
"We thought the best way to cut accidents will be to have more women drivers. Female drivers are less aggressive. Their involvement in fatal accidents is 50 percent less than male drivers and road rage is comparatively less."
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA)
The comment came after a BRAC-funded eight-week course launched by a Bangladeshi charity in association with the government aimed to put 600 poor women in the driving seat from July this year.
"I am urging tolerance but I do not think one should use one's moral leadership … to promote a particular cause without really looking at the sources of the problems [Rohingyas being denied citizenship]"
Chairperson, National League for Democracy in Myanmar
While refusing to take side on the issue of 800,000 Rohingyas being denied citizenship; Suu Kyi claimed that she had not seen any statistics showing as such.