Fashion is ever-changing. Something that was 'totally hip' yesterday maybe considered a fashion faux pas today. Following is bit of an overview of the trends of the nineties, that aren't too popular today. Much of the eastern trends, in my opinion changed for the better, if you think otherwise maybe the following flashbacks will do something to change your mind:
Kameez: Netted cloth was widely used for dressy kameezes, matched with synthetic/silk dupatta and shalwar of the same colour. Floral designs were also quite
popular and using bright contrasting colours was yet to be dared. Kameez practically went down to the ankles; and anything that was near the knees was considered outgrown. 'Medium sleeves' (ones going just above the elbows) were common and high necks were rather unfashionable.
Shoes: Platforms were really in during that time; the higher the better and girls managed to convince themselves that they are actually comfortable, since in a sense they were flat. Designs were quite simple and confined within experimenting with 'ways in which straps can be arranged'. The stones and intricate metal designs that we have today was a a mere fantasy in the nineties.
Hairstyles: In contrast with today's very popular 'dead straight hair' look, what was in during the nineties was the frizzy, permed and very voluminous hair. Hair accessories were also common and ranged from butterfly clips to colourful beads which would be worn on thin braids. Plastic hairbands worn in front to pull back hair were also quite common and rather helpful when it comes to keeping the hair off your face.
Makeover: The use of kohl liners was still considered 'khat' by the younger population (can you imagine that?!?) Lipsticks were more common and it wasn't until the late nineties that the use of lip-gloss became widespread. Overall knowledge regarding the techniques of applying makeup was also limited, unlike today when even sixth graders can line their eyes perfectly!
Bags: Backpacks; that was a household name for teenagers. These were a must-have for every girl who was concerned with conformity. Exactly as the name suggests; it's a miniature back-pack swung around the shoulders with two straps used as a purse.
Accessories: Earrings were far smaller and simpler, from what they are now. Believe me technological progress and 'earring progress' are two of the biggest developments that took place by the turn of the century. Designs then were limited to different types of studs rings and long earrings were considered very dressy. Bracelets were also quite popular and worn in bunches.
Westerns: There was a huge fashion swing in the west during the nineties, but only a few aspects of those changes were really noticeable in our part of the world. There were the Addidas wind pants made out of a light material that would make 'swishing sounds' every time one moved. Overalls, seen mostly on kids were also quite common especially in jeans. Talking about jeans, it was also during the nineties that 'churidaar jeans' (as we now refer to it) which sort of tightened as it went downwards, was the most popular type of jeans.
By Minight Maiden