Music is the second most happening thought in a young persons mind. And we all know with a smirk what's the number one; it's fried chicken. What did you think? So this week we go for a little psychedelic music from the age of rock and we continue with the legend that is Beatles. Music connects, soothes, entices, enrages. It's the amplifier and nullifier of emotions. How does music influence your life? Mail us, let us know what moves you.
~Ehsanur Raza Pony
The week in Re(ar)view
Export chaos
Prices of import essentials like food, soyabean oil, medicine and iPads are going up because exporters are suffering. They are having to pay more because of delays they face for not being allowed to drive huge trucks across the city during the day. How are imports getting pricier when exports are getting delayed? Because in this community, everything causes a rise in price. If President Obama sneezes sharply, our prices rise in Bangladesh by 2 points. Exports are suffering though because goods cannot transport from factory to port. Why? Cause city corporations like to keep streets traffic jam free. We can actually hear you guys laughing.
We're in splits
Quote of the month: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has stated that had there been adequate money with the government, it would have split Dhaka City Corporation into four zones instead of two.
We get it. Why settle for 'north' and 'south' directional signs when we also have 'east' and 'west' lying around? Imagine the business these divisions will drum up for signmakers across the country.
Hasina also told parliament about the government's plan to split 19 greater districts of the country into 60, some eight constituencies into 15, and increase the number of police stations in the Dhaka Metropolitan area to 41 against the previous eight.
You ever experience that moment when there's a piece of cake lying around and many people wanting it? Someone has to split it right. Now you know who to ask.
In retaliation last Sunday, Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) protested because they don't want to split the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) into two. Not when the south isn't infected by zombies. And where's the wall? How can anything be split when there is no wall? Don't our ministers know Berlin, Korea or Mario Brothers? Everything that needs to be split, splits by a wall.
We are dammed
Gowher Rizvi, foreign affairs adviser to the prime minister, yesterday said the Tipaimukh dam in India would have no adverse environmental impact on Bangladesh.
The water flow can be controlled during the monsoon while additional water will be available in the lean season if the hydroelectric project is implemented. Just one question, controlled by whom?
By Mood Dude
Gritty reboot for Bangladesh
Image-wise, Bangladesh has not had it easy. We have been labelled one of the most corrupt countries. We are close to the top, but from the bottom. If the world was transferring its entire population to another planet because of a zombie attack, and we know that's happening, Bangladesh would be left behind. And then the zombies would start planning how to stay AWAY from us.
According to the Transparency International (TI)'s report released on December 1, Bangladesh is no longer number 12 form the bottom out of 182 countries labelled unbelievably corrupt. It's now number 13. They say slow and steady wins the race, especially if the judges are paid in advance.
Be cool this winter
Winter is like the dessert that you crave after a heavy dose of polao korma. Cold dessert. After our hot sultry rainy exasperatingly loadshedding afflicted dark days, winter is the chilly fisted slap of relief. First of all, electricity doesn't go out as much. Second, your ice cream lasts longer. That just made winter 50 percent awesome. So here's our take on how to enjoy this winter.
The right step: Winter wear should fit snugly but not tightly particularly for footwear. Too-tight boots constrict blood flow, causing feet to become even colder. And there's nothing worse than cold feet. Well, riding a motorbike in the rain with water trailing along the fuel tank to where your groin rests is a close contender. But not everyone goes through that. When sizing shoes, allow room for an extra pair of socks. And also, change those socks. Often.
Get rolling: Cool weather, dry weather, great for being on a bicycle. Sure beats being a stinky sodden mess. But choose your clothes carefully. Dress in layers that are windproof. But also allow something with an open front that lets you cool off. And gloves, you can never go wrong with gloves. Superheroes become 15 percent cooler when they don gloves.
Play hard: Practice safety when playing winter sports. Nothing is more painful than a sprain in the cold weather. Any movement becomes excruciating. So before any sport which is basically badminton for us, warm up adequately. Stretch, or watch someone you have the hots for stretch.
Eat right: Get the right snacks. Good nutrition can help fight off cold and flu season, so strengthen your immune system with a balanced diet.
It's a great time for raw vegetable and fruits. Of course, watch out for that formalin.
Water: Keep hydrated. It's cold and it's dry and it's perfect for sucking the moisture out of you. Just like summer, except then, it leaks out of us. We humans aren't meant for this earth. But while we are here, might as well try to make the best of it. Juices and tea are great with the latter containing antioxidants which are believed to strengthen the immune system.
Breathe easy: Look up at the sky. What you see is dust, smog and maybe fog. But mainly dust. And if you see Superman, you're mistaken. It was a bird. Or a plane. Those with dust allergy, keep your meds and inhalers handy. Winter exacerbates the allergies. You don't want to be breathless for the wrong reasons.
Give freely: While most of us can relish the cool weather, there's others who suffer equally as much. You have old clothes, shoes, and blankets. Give to the next poor person you see. Helping those who need a shelter form the cold makes you feel a 100 percent more awesome. Trust us.
By Nutboltu

Some snippets from our emails, Facebook wars and office tea dispenser huddles where we pretend to work. If you have something to rant about, mail us at or go shout it out on Facebook at
Jonayed Nasir Anik Padya Paramita spoke my heart and soul... but in which language is "telecasted" a word?
- This started off a debate on our Facebook page. Turns out, he may have been right. Hit our FB page for the rest of the action. It's all posteded there. What? 'Posteded' is not a word?
Raad Sharar Hats off to Padya Paramita for The Blue Headed Devil. My sister's a hardcore fan of that stupid thing (I really don't understand why) so I showed her the article and she was like, "Who does that girl think she is?! She doesn't even know that Doraemon is a robot cat from the 22nd century." DAMN.
Mustabeen Qazi Hey I've got a different opinion on the Doraemon issue. First, its not as 'new' as you think. Its a classic 50-60's anime (NOT cartoon) which marked the early days of the anime industry. At that time masterpieces like Akira were just emerging. Its not annoying, it has been MADE annoying. I mean, its shown almost 24/7 and if thats not enough- in Hindi! Thats where my objection lies, I dont otherwise hate Doraemon
Ashish Gupta (via email) - Disagree with Baressh on his Gola House article. 'It takes guts to eat it'? Who does not want to taste something chilled and colourful? This is the perfect weather. Not too cold, not quite warm making the ice lasts longer than 3 seconds. I grew up in India spending my childhood pilfering coins to pay off for one of these. I don't get these anymore now I'm in Dhaka. Thanks to him, at least I get to relive nostalgia.
Anika Zaman To be really honest, I loved the cover story. It will be helpful for all those new people who are going to enter college or university. I can't imagine The Rising Stars magazine without the comic strips, ''Babu''...... Bring ''Babu'' back
Shamma S Haider (via email) - I don't miss Babu but can't you guys use the space emptied to fill with something more like comics? Why are there no comics in RS anymore?
Imika Satsuki (via email) It is really pitiful to read something that seems to be a failure at humour which borders on absurdity. "The need for Darkness Creams" had a good theme, but it was carried out in a way that would make both white and black people go blank, because it's not even funny. However, I am glad someone highlighted the need of exterminating Doraemon - it contaminates the mind!
Education is what folks have left over after they've forgotten most of what they learned in school.
Need a job?
As you may already know, RS is currently recruiting.
If you think you can write and don't mind putting words on paper in exchange for peanuts, send us an application.
If you're between 14-20 years of age, send us your CV with a couple of sample write-ups. BetaWriters winners please add the original versions of the selected entries and attach them with the mail along with the date. You can send in as many write ups as you want, show your versatility with different types of articles. There is no official word limit but we'd prefer it if you kept it RS sized, not Magnum Opus sized.
You will be required to come to office at least once a week. Further details come during the interview.
Any budding illustrators & photographers willing to work as freelancers are also welcome.
Mail CVs and sample work to with the title: Recruitment Application. Deadline: 24 December 2011.