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Not all those who wander are lost

By Mastura Tasnim

These days, no one wants to move. Whether it is to get off the couch to rescue the remote or to relocate to a completely new area with your family, everyone just wants to stay put till teleportation gets invented. However, once upon a time - actually nearly 10,000 years ago - humans found it loath to lead a quiet life of sedentary pursuits.

That was the hunter-gatherer age, when human beings owned nothing more than the clothes on their back and the hobbit-like hair on their feet. They carried around dried fruit and meat as well, but you get the point. While the Homo sapiens were busy trying to fend for themselves in the wilderness, they did not see any point of owning something more long-lasting than the next haunch of meat they helped bring down. Hence, the entire childhood dilemma of 'Whose toy is it anyway?' did not occur. Kids did not sit in sandboxes and draw lines around themselves to show their propriety and then fight over it 'cause land was of no value whatsoever.

But then, all of that changed. No one knows exactly why man decided he was tired of living the good life of hunting and not working, but scientists speculate it was the fault of science, i.e. the invention of fire, the wheel, agriculture, and similar discoveries made the ancient man uniquely lazy and fond of fast food that he did not have to chase. So, along with goats and cows and chickens, humans domesticated themselves and started breeding like rabbits. And thus were born over-population, wars, plagues, environmental damage and every other bad thing that has happened to this planet.

However, thousands of years of nomadic living does not wash away from your genes because of generations of settling down. They still have a natural urge to change, whether that be in the physical realm or the mental one, otherwise things just turn boring. When life hands us too much baggage in the form of duties towards society, family and friends, how many of us haven't thought of breaking free, starting anew? Life's greatest adventure is in finding the unknown, and with a world so large, and now so easily accessible, human beings can hop from country to country, change careers, find new passions and fall head over heels in love with the wonder that is life. While some of us flick through the 'Travel and Living' channel and mutter indistinctly of vacation plans, better individuals align themselves to the current and realise that most crucial of life's lessons: change is the only constant.

Move, people!

Scholastica stages Agatha Christie's ‘The Mousetrap'

By The Cynical Panda

With previously brilliant performances of Hirok Rajar Deshe and Gupi Gayen Bagha Bayen, it's only natural to enter the STM Hall with high expectations. This year, Scholastica decided to perform Agatha Christie's “The Mousetrap” to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the play's stage presentation; directed by the drama teacher Mr. Kazi Toufikul Islam Emon.

The play started off nicely, drawing the audience's attention with mysterious background music, blue smoke and a sense of suspense looming in the darkness. And then, of course, the murder, which was followed by dancers dancing to the nursery rhyme “The Three Blind Mice”. It was sort of hilarious and the dancers were well synchronised.

The play centres around characters of different dispositions all trapped inside a little English inn due to a snow storm. There is a threat of three more murders hovering over the play and Sergeant Trotter, an inspector, is set on unveiling the murderer. Somehow they brought Sherlock into it as well. In a Christie play. Yeah, it was a little weird.

But the weirdest thing about the play was that multiple actors played the same character in different scenes; it made you wonder if the director was trying to play with your mind. The actors, though, actually put up a fair effort and there were some brilliant performances, such as the Christopher Wrens (Salman and Shadman) and Sergeant Trotter played by Nafees. A huge problem though, was with the British accent which was extremely hard to comprehend.

The play did not live up to the high expectations one would have from the annual drama production but it was a fairly good attempt.



By Nabiha Rafiq
Age 13
Class: Std. VI

Who is this lady?
We call mother,
Caring for us
And every other!

Who is this lady?
Working for hours,
To give us comfort
Luxury and Powers!

Who is this lady?
Fulfilling our wishes and dreams,
With no spells, wands or magic
She destroys all things tragic!

Who is this lady?
All so fair and wise,
Her love and care
And every compromise;
Who is this lady?
Not just giving us hugs,
But loads of love
In every ounce of water filled in mugs.

Who is this lady?
In spite of her weariness,
Sacrificing hers
To give us happiness!

Who is this lady?
Protecting us like invaluable treasure,
She has no leisure
How does she find pleasure?

Who is this lady?
Working day and night;
For us she wins
Every single fight!

Who is this lady?
Ordinary like any other,
How does she do the extraordinary work!
Of being a Mother!

What would be enough?
To Praise her
Can't find words
To thank her;

What does she owe?
What does she deserve?
What is it she finds in our smiles?
That she has to preserve.

We can't payback
With words, cards and gifts
But aim to fulfill her dreams,
And give her happiness in streams.

We are so proud
To claim ourselves daughters!
Of such a brilliant
And wonderful Mother!

I vow to treasure her
All through my life,
And keep her happy
Even if it costs my life;

What a mother you are
Ever so best,
I'll always preserve you
In my chest!


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