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Sholakia Eidgah
The Eid congregation of last week at the Sholakia Eidgah situated at the Kishoreganj town, was the 179th Eid congregation at this Eidgah. Eid congregation at this Eidgah is believed to be the largest in the sub-continent as over three lac (300000) pilgrims come here to offer their Eid payers every year. |
The Frog Prince
Now the King of that country had a beautiful daughter. Every morning she used to go to that big tank and personally feed the lovely fishes which lived in that tank. |
Tajhat Jamidar Bari
Beyond the entrance at the ground floor level, there is a very large hall measuring about 18.28m x 13.71m. A 3m wide corridor runs the entire length of the inner block. |
Brahmanbaria Government College
Emerging in a tin-shed house under the captainship of Principal Mr. Bhauve Ranjan Dev with only one hundred and five students in the Humanities and Commerce group, the college has now become an abode of about five thousands students |
(R) 2006