Editor's Note
The Most Important Job
One of the biggest struggles of the 'Third World' is the production of food. There isn't enough for everyone and we desperately need better returns on the seeds we are planting. This means crops that give higher yields per acre. Efforts of doing this sort of thing, though, remain underappreciated throughout the world. The topic isn't catchy. Agriculture is not a 'hot' subject- the agricultural sector keeps getting smaller and smaller everywhere in the world, so it doesn't seem like the place to gravitate to. Nevertheless, there is a story in this issue or a man who, like Dr. Norman Borlaug of the Green Revolution, worked simply towards increasing the amount of food without engaging in debates about policy.
The picture on the cover is obviously that of Krishna, who recently had another birthday. There were widespread celebrations throughout the country, particularly Chittagong. There are images from those celebrations inside as well as the back story on one of the Hindu pantheon's most beloved gods.
Abak Hussain
From the Insight Desk

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