Editor's Note
Changes in the New Year
Not too long has passed since the New Year and already it has been nothing if not eventful. Here at Star Insight, we also have plans- we're getting bigger. We're on our way to expanding our 16-page magazine into 32 pages. But to pull this off, we need you to help out as well. So basically in the new format, all our older sections will still be there. So we'll still have the Cover Story, Guru Griho, She, Journey through Bangladesh, Story, Do You Know and Learners' Club. In addition we're looking to put in a letters page. So please, send in your letters and we'll print them. Send them by regular mail or by email, just send them over! We're also looking to make the magazine more visually interesting, so there will possibly be a photo feature as well as a regular cartoon page.
We want to put in some Reader's Club news. If you're involved with the club, please send your stories and reports about what has been going on. Photos are welcome. Finally we want to make the Learners Club more interactive. So far we've been giving you brief lessons with each issue of Insight, but we will soon become more actively involved in hearing about your needs. We would like to visit underprivileged schools around the country and talk to people to understand what we can do to help out further or to make Insight and everything in it more effective for the purpose of getting English out there to our nationwide readership.
As we try to expand, we welcome comments, suggestions, complaints. Here's hoping that your 2007 got off to a reasonably good start.
Abak Hussain
From the Insight Desk
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