Editor's Note
Star Insight Turns 4
“Know Bangladesh Better” is a big promise to deliver, but a promise that we find to be very compelling. In our mostly Dhaka-centric lives, all that lies beyond the urban periphery tend to be chronically under-reported; unless of course the reporters are covering floods, cyclones, or other disasters. It was our strong belief that if we were to look, we would find stories of individual and communal triumph, tales of a wonderful people and culture, accounts brilliant initiatives and their remarkable rewards. We were convinced that we would find these stories, and that these stories needed to be told.
Star Insight is a product of this conviction. It has been four years since the journey began, and we have just about scratched the surface of this vast land and the stories it holds. Despite the cynicism that prevails, and comes so easily in these troubled times, with the Star Insight we have tried to take our readers beyond the confines of the city and introduce them to the positivity that abounds in every corner of Bangladesh.
Thus far, what we have found amazing is the creativity and commitment of some people in serving their community, their perseverance and determination in achieving their end, and their ability to surmount tremendous odds. Star Insight has constantly sought out these patriots, whose deeds has always been louder then their words, and tell their stories. The accounts of these individuals not only inspires great hope, but also serves to reminds us that there is more to this nation than all the negatives that are constantly thrown around.
For this fourth anniversary issue of the Star Insight, we have chosen twenty individuals, twenty unsung heroes, that epitomizes our values: unwavering dedication to their patriotic causes, unflinching determination in the face immense adversities, and their ultimate achievements for their communities. We hope you will find these tales as inspiring as we did.
These stories need to be told, and the people heard, and the Star Insight will continue to be the platform that tries to make that possible.
Mahfuz Anam
Editor & Publisher

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