Monosha Mongol
Chondrodhorer Jonmo

Dhuya: Koto Lila Janbe U Shonkor Bhobanire
Poyar: Poshu Soya Namete Topossha Shudrojati.
Sorboda Koren Puja Shonkor Paroboti.
Pholmul Khay Ar Pore Brikhochal.
Hrishtomone Hor Gouri Puje Chirokal.
Gongate Namiya Muni Topossha Korite,
Dekhilo Pokhir Chana Bhashiya Jay Shrote.
Bakul Hoilo Chana Dheu Tolpare.
Urite Na Pare Rao Kore Dhire Bire Bire.
Taha Dekhi Shokorun Munir Ontor,
Dui Gota Chana Niya Ashilen Ghor.
Laliya Paliya Chana Korilen Bor.
Basha Nirmaya Dilo Brikkher Upon.
Basha Peye Pokhigon Totha Dim Pari.
Shoto Shoto Pokhi Holo Brikkher Kotore.
Doiber Nirbondhon Kobhu Khondon Na Jay.
Monoshar Naage Pokkhi Chana Dhori Khay.
Gachete Tahkiya Pokkhi Dake Ucchoshore.
Henokal Toppposhi Ashilo Nijghore.
Shabok Shokete Pokkhi Pay Mohatap.
Shokete Kator Hoye Kore Bilap.
Pokkhi Na Rohilo Totha Peye Nag Bhoy.
Dekhiya Taposshi Tobe Akul Hridoy.
Pokkhir Karone Shok Tapposhi Paiya.
Mohadukh Pay Shoke Kator Hoiya.
Shokete Hriody Gore Jobin Nirash,
Shorpobhoye Toposshi Charilo Grihobash.
Kamake Kannonete Toposshi Basha Kore
Shorpote Amaker Jeno Longhite Na Pare.
Amaker Dekhiya Jeno Shorpo Jay Dore.
A Shotto Koriya Toposshi Totha Pore.
The Birth of Chondrodhor
Dhuya: Oh what will not be witnessed in this strange world of Shonkor.
Poyar: Amongst the races of men and animals, Topossha reigns supreme.
Forever in worship of Shonkor and Paroboti,
Eats fruits and wears tree bark.
Mind at peace eternal, chants the name of Hor.
Into the Ganges she walked to meditate,
Where she saw two youngs of a bird floating downstream.
Tossed and turned by the waves,
Unable to fly, screaming for their lives.
Her heart cried out, she saved them from the waters and brought them home.
She cared for them, and watched them grow.
Built them a house on a tree.
In this nest the birds laid their eggs,
And soon the tree became a shelter for hundred of birds.
But none defies the laws of nature and god.
The serpents of Monosha devour a young.
And the birds twitter in fear from the trees.
When Toposshi returned,
She saw her birds suffering from the venom of the snakes.
The birds, from fear and pain,
Left their abode in the tree and went away.
Without the birds, her sadness was great,
And her hearty was heavy.
Futility overtakes her life,
She leaves her home from fear of the serpent.
She builds her home in the depths of the world,
So that no serpent can reach her.
So no that all serpents fear her.
And with this resolve she dies.
(To be continued)
(R) 2009