Photo Feature
A Tale of Red and Green
By: Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed
Upon being asked to speak about red and green, enlightened individuals are likely to launch into a lengthy tirade about how they are two of the three elementary colors, how every color is born from this trio, how red and green upholds the pride and identity of our nation, and so on. People of wisdom say so much that sails right over the heads of ordinary men like us. So, we see our surroundings through eyes of simplicity, and capture moments of it within frames. On the fly!

In the Land of the Clouds A lazy, beautiful afternoon
(The River Sangu, Bandarban)

Unstoppable - Blazing down the mountaineous roads at breakneck speeds, Nilgiri, Bandarban |
Stairway to Heaven- and a mountain track. Where else on earth would you get so much of green and red? Hillside Resort, Milanchhari, Bandarban.
The Sky As a Backdrop - Neelachal, Bandarban

To Henry Rider Haggard - Like the villages painted in the stories of Henry Rider Haggard, still untouched by the hands of technology, The River Sangu, Bandarban.

No Entry - Nilachal, Bandarban

Eroded Flag- For forty years, our map of green and red has eroded, the same map which we gained through the exchange of three million lives. In the past, we blamed the Arakanese, the Mughals, the British, the Pakistanis for the sake of solace. But whom do we blame now? -Milanchhari, Bandarban.
(R) 2011