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Tania's & Parula's Dreams Come True
Star Insight often brings news of those in urgent need of help. People who are stricken with poverty, some who are also handicapped. It is a matter of great pride that the news Star Insight brings forth encourages philanthropist activities, ending the immediate distress of those desperate for help, making their life journey a whole lot easier.
Azibor Rahman

In response to the articles titled “Tania's Dreams” and “Parula's Pursuit of Education” — published in December 2011 in Star Insight Magazine, Tania was donated a rickshaw van to help her commute to and from her home and school, while Parula was donated with a new wheelchair. The vehicle and physical aid were handed over to the physically challenged students on 7 January 2012, by the Harinakundo upazila Chairman Motahar Hossain, UNO Abdur Razzak and Saleha Begum Degree College's principal Moktar Ali. Around 400 students of the college were present at the ceremony. The good hearted people placing the donations have asked for anonymity for their valiant and generous acts.
Tania's parents are highly grateful for the donation. They added that they will pray for the kind hearted man for taking away her mother's misery in carrying Tania to-and-from school regularly.
The ceremony was concluded with handing out of crests. In recognition of spreading the word about physically challenged students and the Adibashi women of Harinakundo, Motahar Hossain, Abdur Razzak and Moktar Ali congratulated the Daily Star correspondent Azibor Rahman and the Desh TV reporter Abdur Rahman Milton.
The Worth of a Bullock
What is the worth of a bullock? Is it the pounds of meat it packs? Or is it the strength with which is performs heavy tasks? Maybe, just maybe, the worth of a bullock lies in its ability to free an old man from economic bondage.
S Dilip Roy
Lalmonirhat UNO and DC with Ebach Ali |
Woes of 90 year aged oilman Ebach Ali at Shekhertari village of Mohishkhocha union at Aditmari upazila in Lalmonirhat are finally over. On the morning of 17 January 2012, he received a bullock from the district administration following a story on him in Star Insight Magazine (published on 14 January 2012). Since that very morning, he has started producing mustard oil through pushing ghany (oil-expeller) by a bullock.
The aged oilman Ebach Ali said that he didn’t think he will get a bullock for pushing ghany and that he would have to do the work of an animal for the rest of his life. “A story in Star Insight has brought me new hope in the last period of my life. A bullock brings a new dream, as I can now produce more mustard oil than before as the bullock can push the ghany for long.”
Lalmonirhat Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mokhlesar Rahman Sarker read the story in Star Insight and immediately visited Oilman Ebach Ali in the village. “I visited oilman Ebach Ali and was astonished! How can a 90 year old man pull the ghany?” The DC donated a bullock, warm cloths, blankets and regular cloths to Ebach Ali and his family members. Aditmari Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Rezaul Alom Sarker, Mohishkhocha UP Chairman Mosaddek Hossain Chowdhury and local people were present. “I have asked the Aditmari UNO and Mohishkhocha UP chairman to help Ebach Ali and enlist his name for government allocating different relief programmes,” said the DC. “If any opportunity comes to my union, it will definitely be extended to Ebach Ali.”
Ebach Ali with his bullock |
Oilman Ebach Ali’s wife Porizon Begum said that the kindhearted Lalmonirhat DC helped them by donating bullock to push ghany for producing mustard oil. She is overjoyed as her aged husband need not do the hard work anymore. “I thank Star Insight and the Lalmonirhat DC. Our lives have taken a new turn since Tuesday morning. We will be able to earn more since we will be producing more,” she added.
“If I or my new bullock don’t face any critical disease in the next few years, with the blessing of almighty Allah, I will change the condition of my family,” said Ebach Ali.
Lalmonirhat DC Mokhlesar Rahman Sarker said that he will also try to help to build a tinshed house for the oilman Ebach Ali in the near future.
In a country where lack of implementation causes state funds to be spent in vain, where delays and time lags make it nearly impossible to get results, it is immensely heart warming to see the district administration take swift action where needed.
(R) 2012 |