There is no better way to celebrate fifteen years of serving our readers than by celebrating the achievements and advances of our beloved Bangladesh. As a nation, we never spend sufficient time focusing on the significant accomplishments of the country and where we have come to and what we have achieved in our short but storied history.
There is much to be proud of as a nation, much that is deserving of acclamation and accolade. Let us take this time to toot our own horn for once, to sing to the world the song of Bangladesh and the triumphs and successes of her sons and daughters.
The first section of this celebratory supplement focuses on the astonishing advances made in social development since we achieved independence thirty five years ago, from the micro-credit revolution, to the development of oral rehydration saline, to the extraordinary vibrancy of the NGO sector. The next section focuses on the contribution of the private sector and individuals to bring us to where we are today, with a special feature on the UN peacekeepers who have spread the good name of Bangladesh to all four corners of the Earth. Finally, we shine a light on the cultural landscape of the nation and the rich traditions, both ancient and modern, that are so inextricably inter-woven into our Bangladeshi identity.
This is merely a sampler, a glimpse of the nation's glory and greatness, but we hope that you will enjoy this modest celebration of all things Bangladeshi, and that our labour of love fills your heart with pride in the past and hope for the future.