love for all languages
Habibur Rahman
mori Bangla bhasa!
a wonderful Bangla language!
of mother tongues all over the world express
similar views.
natural bias plays an important part in
likes and dislikes of languages. No one
will say, "My language is backward
and inexpressive." We often tend to
regard other people's language as we regard
their culture with disdain, if not with
downright animosity.
is no reliable way of measuring the quality
or the efficiency of any language.
The English Language, Robert Burchfield
writes : "As a source of intellectual
power and entertainment the whole range
of prose writing in English is probably
unequalled anywhere else in the world."
is most likely that Mr. Burchfield would
not have made that assertion had he been
a born Russian or German or Chinese.
writing possesses one great advantage over
other languages. It can be read everywhere.
People can read their literature of 2500
years as easily as yesterday's newspaper,
even though the spoken language has changed
beyond recognition. It is has been said
,"If Confucius were to come back to
life today, no one apart from scholars could
understand what he was saying, but if he
scribbled a message people could read it
as easily as they could read a shopping
French like to say that "what is not
clear, is not French." The Germans
are convinced that their language has mystical
powers of clarity of expression.
many countries people use more than one
language . In Bangladesh apart from our
mother tongue we use English in higher courts
and in communications with foreign countries.
Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists use Arabic,
Sanskrit and Pali respectively for religious
purposes. There are about twenty languages
spoken by our indigenous peoples. In East
Africa, apart from local languages and English,
a large number of people speak Swahili.
In West Africa apart from local languages
and English or French a large number of
people speak Hausa.
Luxemburg the inhabitants use French in
school, German for reading newspapers, and
Luxemburgish, a local German dialect, at
home. In Paraguay, people conduct business
in Spanish, but make their jokes in Guarani,
the native Indian tongue.
V of Spain once said that English was the
language for conversing with merchants,
German with soldiers, French with women,
Italian with friends, and Spanish with God.
was once considered the perfect language,
because it was "obviously the language
that God spoke". For more than a thousand
years Latin held a position of honor in
the Hindus Sanskrit is regarded as the devabhasa,
the language of the gods. The sudras, the
lowest caste, were even forbidden to hear
Sanskrit, the language of the Vedas. Punishment
was prescribed for the violators. Hot lead
would be poured in the ears of the careless
listeners .
ancient Greeks felt that any language but
Greek was nothing but mere babbling, the
literal meaning of word barbaroi,
"barbarian". During the heyday
of their Empires the English, the French,
the Spaniards and the Portuguese felt the
same way about their languages.
the present-day world American English speakers
outnumber British English speakers by almost
four to one and all speakers of English
variants around the world by nearly two
to one. American and not British English
has come to dominate the global linguistic
scene. Comparisons and contrasts of the
two versions of English have gone on for
years. To most Americans British accent
is "Highfalutin". To most British
American English is crass.
conflict occurs when there is a competition
between languages for exclusive use in the
government or as the medium of instruction
in educational institutions. In countries
where two or more languages coexist confusion
often arises. In Belgium many towns have
two quite separate names, one recognised
by French speakers, one by Dutch speakers.
Language is often an emotive issue in Belgium
and has brought down governments. In Canada
the Anglophiles and Francophiles are fighting
a long drawn battle for identity and supremacy.
the demise of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics there has been a linguistic rejuvenation
in some of the former Soviet republics .
The languages like Armenian, Estonian, Georgian,
Latvian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian became
the source of inspiration and assertion
for the new nations. In central Asia Muslim
republics like Azerbaizan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan
and Uzbekistan abandoned the Cyrillic script
of Russian and opted for the Western script
of their Turkish kinsmen. Tajikistan adopted
the Arabic script.
In former Yugoslavia the Serbs started to
call their language Serbian rather than
its earlier name Serbo-Croatian and opted
for the Cyrillic script of their Russian
kinsmen . Croats now call their language
Simplyn Croatian and is engaged in purging
itself of Turkish and foreign words. Bosnians
tried to avidly borrow Turkish and Arabic
is for their intense love for their languages
that the Czechs and the Slovaks got themselves
In Turkey there was an attempt to cleanse
that language of Arab- Persian words. When
that plan was found to be difficult Kemal
Ataturk gave the Sun-God theory and explained
that the Turkish language like the sun was
the fountainhead of all languages and the
borrowed foreign words were Turkish in origin.
Joshua A. Fishman has suggested that a language
is more likely to be accepted as lingua
franca or a Language of Wider Communication
(LWC) if it is not identified with a particular
ethnic group, religion or ideology. Like
Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek and Latin English
has recently been de-ethnicised. Professor
Joshua has said, "It is part of the
relative good fortune of English as an additional
language that neither its British nor its
American fountainheads have been widely
or deeply viewed in an ethnic or ideological
context for the past quarter century or
P. Huntington in The Clash of Civilisations
and the Remaking of World Order said that
"English is the world's way of communicating
interculturally just as the Christian calendar
is the world's way of tracking time, Arabic
numbers are world's way of counting and
the metric system is, for the most, the
world's way of measuring. The use of English
in this way, however, is intercultural communication;
it presupposes the existence of separate
cultures. A lingua franca is a way of coping
with linguistic and cultural differences,
not a way of eliminating them. It is a tool
for communication and not a source of identity
and community."
is no reliable evidence to show that the
increasing proportion of the world's population
speaks English. Even today English is foreign
to 92 per cent of the people of the world.
Our Anglophiles must pay heed to the linguists
like Joshua. Fishman who has highlighted
the importance of local languages thus:
"Local tongues foster higher levels
of school success, higher degrees of participation
in local government, more informed citizenship
and better knowledge of one's culture, history
and faith….. the world's practical
reliance on local languages today is every
bit as great as the identity roles these
languages fulfill."
did not forget to emphasise that "Nevertheless,
both rationalisation and globalisation require
that more and more of local languages be
the Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
of Disappearing,
by Stephen A. Wurm, published by UNESCO,
it has been pointed out that for various
reasons the fate of languages took a turn
for the worse in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries. The geographical explorations
and the expansionist tendencies of some
European powers like Dutch, English, French,
Portuguese Spaniards and Russia and introduction
of new diseases like small pox in North
America, Siberia and later Australia were
responsible for the death and disappearance
of hundreds of languages over the past three
hundred years. According to one estimate
about half of the approximately 6,000 languages
in the world are now endangered to some
degree and other. According to another estimate
every two weeks a language is getting extinct.
embedded in the love for a particular language
may be dangerously self-centred, intolerant
and malevolent and cause immense miseries.
are two views on the disappearance of languages.
One view is that the differences between
languages are only superficial as they are
ultimately saying the same thing in different
forms and that the disappearance of any
one language is a minor occurrence. The
other view is that different languages emphasise
and filter various aspects of multifaceted
reality in a vast number of different ways.
Every language reflects a unique world-view
and the linguistic diversity is an invaluable
asset and resource rather an obstacle to
is no primitive language any more than there
is any superior language. Every language
proves to be as sophisticated and complete
as any other. No language or dialect is
better or worse than any other. Each language
is much like a "linguistic ecology
"as it were. Since 1970s the latter
view is gaining ground and it has been reflected
in several international instruments.
27 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights 1966 provides "
In those states in which ethnic, religious
or linguistic minorities exist, persons
belonging to such minorities shall not be
denied the right, in community with other
the other members of their group to enjoy
their culture, to profess and practise their
own religion, or to use their own language."
by the provisions of that article the Declaration
of the Rights of Persons Belonging to the
National or Ethnic , Religious or Linguistic
Minorities proclaims that States should
take appropriate measures so that wherever
possible, persons belonging to minorities
may have adequate opportunities to learn
their mother tongue or to have instruction
in their mother tongue.
the Draft Declaration on the Rights of the
Indigenous Peoples 1995 it was affirmed
that all peoples contribute to the diversity
and richness of civilization and cultures
which constitute the common heritage of
human kind.
a proposal made by Bangladesh ,UNESCO created
International Mother Language Day in 1999.
Twenty- First February was chosen in commemoration
of the language movement in which five students
died on this date in 1952 defending recognition
of Bangla as a state language of the former
Pakistan, the eastern part of which became
Bangladesh after the war of liberation.
It is now acknowledged that a culture of
peace can only flourish where people enjoy
that right to use their mother tongue fully
and freely in all the various situations
of their lives. With love for all languages
we assert today that in the galaxy of languages,
every word is a star.
The author is former Chief Justice and
head of caretaker government.
and rejuvenating the heritage
Syed Saad Andaleeb
Each year February 21st arrives with a flourish;
and it awakens something special in many
of us. Some suddenly become conscious of
their distinct identity and proud heritage
of being a Bengali; some don the traditional
kurta or the taant sari to "feel"
Bengali; some prepare pithas and panta bhaat
for that fleeting Bengaliness. Others make
the effort to go to the Shahid Minar early
in the morning -- flowers or garlands in
hand -- to pay tribute to Rafique, Barkat,
Salaam, Jabbar and others who immortalised
a day that is, or should be, dear to Bengalis
all over the world.
join the procession of men and women, young
and old singing a sombre Amaar Bhaiyer Rokte
Rangano…, while a few of the last
remaining stalwarts stand back from the
crowd remembering that special day, misty
eyed -- perhaps a teardrop rolling down
their cheeks to be briskly wiped away --
as they are overwhelmed with an emotional
surge for simply having been there as part
of a metamorphic event on that fateful day
that is now symbolised as International
Mother Language Day.
needs to sit back and think what it all
means: We Bengalis have carved out an entire
day by making the greatest sacrifice to
stand against oppression and injustice,
to stand for a distinct identity, and to
enjoy a freedom to bask in a soul -- the
Bengali soul -- that can be best understood
with the Bengali language. Any other language
trying to depict the Bengali soul would
certainly be weaker in that endeavour because
there is something about grambangla, matir
manush, godhuli logno or swarnali shondhya
that simply cannot be portrayed fully by
any other language. This very special language
is our heritage, our link to the past.
this rich language -- rich in culture, religion,
history, absorbing stories, myths, struggles,
hopes and dreams, love and hate, family
and children, and so much more -- is under
attack. Like products and brands vying for
customer attention, the Bengali language
seems to be losing customers and market
share to its competitors. And if we allow
our competitors to gain ground, surely we'll
cast away our heritage as an obsolete product
in the stockpile of embattled products of
another era.
prognosis seems dire for when 21st February
will have come and gone most of us will
slide back into "reality." The
Bangla books we purchased during Boi Mela
will begin to gather the first microns of
dust, the Z-TV, Star Cinema, ATN, or Kasoti
will come back with a vengeance, the rush
to admit children to English medium schools
or Madrasahs will gather momentum (not that
learning another language is undesirable),
the desire to impress our foreign friends
in their language (Urdu included) will pick
up steadily although the reverse is most
unlikely to happen, and the desire to learn
about other cultures -- Delhi, Bombay, Bangkok,
Singapore, London, Paris, New York, or perhaps
even Timbuktu -- will take us away for the
weekend or an extended sojourn. And on our
return we'll have grand stories to tell
about the Louvre Museum, the Taj Mahal,
the Fontana Trevi, The Empire State Building,
St. Peter's Cathedral, or the palaces and
castles of Vienna and Scotland, and so on.
All the while the keeper of the Bengali
soul, its very own language, once vibrant
in its classy character and pristine beauty,
will languish and diminish in stature, impoverished
for want of attention and nurture.
this what we want -- to lose such a rich
heritage? Do we want to cast this glorious
language among the endangered species, perhaps
soon to become extinct? I do not know, but
we certainly need answers. At the same time
we need to preserve our heritage, foster
its revival, and see it flourish for our
sake, for our children's sake. How are we
going to accomplish this?
and foremost, we must "preserve"
what we already have before we lose it to
time and relentless competition. That, by
itself, is a monumental task and needs a
small but dedicated army. I cannot help
but observe with envy how the younger generation
from neighbouring India -- many of them
born outside the country of Indian parentage
-- is returning to the land of their ancestors
with a burning desire to learn about their
own heritage and to preserve what they believe
is being lost to time and lack of attention.
One such project explores how the Vaisnava
thinker -- Ramanuja -- transformed the Vedanta
system into a theistic system called Visistadvaita
Vedanta. Another explores how Indian women
are rewriting history by confronting the
legacy of women's silence and voicelessness.
A young man is busy researching and creating
a series of illustrated children's (comic)
books based on indigenous Hindu folktales,
while a young woman is busy collecting and
documenting Jain miniature paintings in
Jaipur from the homes of rich families and
private collectors.
various scholarship programmes from the
Indira Gandhi Foundation, the Fulbright
Programme, funds from the University of
Chicago, and other sources, India is also
encouraging non-Indians to pursue projects
such as collecting the works of Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan, especially how he worked to
improve the status of Indian Muslims during
the British rule.
must learn from these initiatives and inspire
our own youth to engage in similar journeys
to re-discover the Bengali soul, for they
are our next generation and will have to
become the guardians of the Bengali soul
and heritage.
of what we have, however, is the first step;
rejuvenating the language and seeing it
flourish so that it can withstand the competitive
onslaughts is clearly another vital need.
For this to happen we need a clear vision
from an enlightened and visionary leadership
backed up by a firm commitment to engage
in and do what is realistically possible.
The vision must include our cultural ambassadors
-- the poets, the painters, the scholars,
the singers, the musicians, the bards, the
artisans, the curators, the librarians,
the photographers, the linguists, the historians,
the archaeologists, the cinematographers,
the playwrights, the actors, the media men
and women, the teachers, and related others
-- whose stature in society must be upgraded
by their own doing and societal intervention.
And they must discard petty politics of
their own and all that comes with it to
form a true partnership to "preserve
and enrich the heritage."
will also be needed for such a grand project
that ought to be raised from both home and
abroad. In India today there are many heritage
sites that are being revived by foreign
funds "interested" in their preservation
or by NRIs (non-resident Indians) intent
on "giving back" to their roots.
These strategies can be emulated, albeit
on a smaller scale initially.
we need now to begin the preservation and
revitalisation project is a leadership that
understands the priorities, sets the vision,
and implements it in a manner that harnesses
all Bengalis in a spirit of cooperation,
harmony, and a burning desire to reclaim
the stature of a language from a region
about which it was once said, "What
Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow."
The author is Editor of the Journal
of Bangladesh Studies, and a Fulbright Scholar
at East-West University.