Amazing Facts
Arif Ashraf Nayan
Moon Rock
Around 2,000 samples of moon rock, weighing almost 400kg (880 Ib), have been brought back to Earth. By studying these rocks, scientists have built up a picture of the composition and history of the Moon. Some rocks, for example, were formed from molten lava.
Ancient Pines
The North American bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva) are the world's oldest living trees. Some surviving example took root more than 6,000 years ago! Scientists study the width of growth rings in their wood to see how the world's climate has changed.
Birds without Wings
The brown kiwi (Apteryx australis) from New Zealand is one of the several birds that have lost the ability to fly. Its wings are tiny, and its feathers are hair like. Unusually for a bird, the kiwi has a good sense of smell, which it uses to find food.
Compiled By: Edward Apurba Singha
computer Tips-4
Tip1: Change the refresh rate
Refresh rate is an important consideration to display anything on your screen. Poorly adjusted refresh rate can cause annoying screen flicker and some physical difficulties such as eyestrain and headaches. So bear in mind always set refresh rate not less than 72 Hz although some experts suggest minimum rate up to 80 Hz. To adjust your screen's refresh rate in Windows XP follow these steps…
Open Display Properties
Click Settings
Click Advanced
Click Adapter
Then click List All Modes
Select a combination of refresh rate, screen resolution, and color depth from the list of the supported values.
Tip2: Restore Windows Registry
All versions of Windows including XP backup the Registry automatically at regular intervals. But you can backup your Registry manually in more reliable way prior to make any major changes to your system. In Windows XP follow these steps…
Click Start >All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore
To backup your Registry choose “Create a restore point”
To restore the Registry select “Restore my computer to an earlier time”
Tip3: Error reporting
If you are a serious computer user and eager to inform your problems to Microsoft, you have a nice option in Windows XP. But remember it seems to be boring in certain circumstances. Follow these steps…
Open Explorer
Right click My Computer
Click the Advanced tab in the System Properties dialog box
Click Error Reporting button
You can disable error reporting but it is advised not to do so.
Edward Apurba Singha
Computer Engineer
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