Friendship: A cold side discovered….
Rasheduzzaman Mojumder
If I ask anyone about the best part of his education, s/he will surely talk about the school life s/he passed. It's not only for the beginning of the easy going education which gradually improves the standard but also for the affectionate relationship with the classmates as well as the school mates that lasts forever. School friends are the dearest and nearest in my opinion because we spend almost the maximum education period with each other. They expectations stick only to be appeared in the classes and play grounds regularly. Back in my school days we had a group that consisted 6-7 friends. The group was a combination of Science, Humanities and Business Studies. We had friends from different subjects and disciplines from all over the school. Many of us had access to everything, like access to laboratory without being students from science. And naturally we didn't leave any misdeed to be undone. We were well connected, extremely united and cared for each other very much. Even after school we used to hang out together. We met everyday in the afternoon for games and then we sort of had a few conversations about what we are going to do special the next day. Friday Jumma prayers, shopping, movies were there like normal activity regularly.
As time went by, our school ended. We moved to college. Unfortunately we became scattered as we got admitted in different colleges in different discipline. Some went to Colleges that had better science teachers while others went to better business study teaching college. In the two year of our college, we were not completely disconnected. We met quite often and always gathered in every social friendly gathering. But we hadn't had the chance to meet everyday like we used do in our school days. A weekly meeting was arranged at that time and we had friendly sport arrangements also like football, cricket and badminton.
College life ended and the most difficult part of life came in front of us to get admitted in Dhaka University. It was so obvious that all of us wouldn't make it, but we still had our fingers crossed and hoped for the best. Luckily all of us made it! Though we took different subjects, we made it! It's like we found ourselves back out of nowhere. The classes started and it was so obvious that we will have new friends within ourselves.
As the days passed by, I suddenly felt a change in our relationship. The well-known well-adjusted warmth started to wane day-by-day. This is completely a feeling; I am not worried to reveal it. I am sure my other friends will accept the truth. We got more involved in the academic affairs, more with department friends. The hangouts and everything became limited within the new friends and classmates, even to movies and shopping. Gradually we all started missing the friendly gathering here and there that we used to have before. And this thing went on so badly that nowadays we hardly meet each other though studying in the same university. I have a feeling in near future we won't be able to remember in which department we belonged!
This is a cold part that we have faced in our prolonged relationship. And it just happened because of a little carelessness. So what is friendship anyway? The good and bad moments we shared with each other will not have any meaning at the end of the day. So we all should be aware about it. Friendship is a gift of Almighty. We shouldn't let it go this way.
From the beginning, I never mentioned any of my friends’ name because I never wanted to embarrass any of them. It's just I am sharing something with the readers and in cases they might feel the same thing in their life a one stage.
Department of Law, University of Dhaka