News Room
ULAB Media Club photo festival
G. Sumdany Don
The Media Club of the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) organized the first ever photo exhibition at the ULAB auditorium on 21st November, 2007. The event comprised of 25 pictures taken by the ULAB students, all portraying the Bangladeshi nature, culture and heritage. The whole auditorium was creatively transformed in such a way that it looked like a standard photo gallery, with captivating pictures on the wall, extra bright yellow light hanging from the ceilings that focused on the pictures, making the frozen time on the frame look more vivid. This amazing exhibition was imaginatively organized and designed by the Organizing Secretary of the Media Club, Obaidal Huq Tuhin. All his effort brought this event to its amazing success.
The first prize was given to Nilufa Jahan for her picture titled 'Narrow Life' and the second and third prizes went to Shahnawaz Raj and Mohammad Raju for their creations 'The way of life' and 'The color of life' respectively. The Deputy Director of Academic Affairs, Dr. Zahirul Hoque, the Director of the Media and Studies Journalism Department Dr. Brian Shoesmith and the advisor of the Media club Ms. Marium Akter, different faculties, students and outside visitors attended the program.
CHPD organizes seminar at IUB
Dr Pamela Jolicoeur, President, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, USA was the featured speaker at a seminar entitled "Cultivating Global Citizenship: The Challenge to Higher Education in the 21st Century" organized by The Centre for Health, Population and Development (CHPD) at Independent University, Bangladesh on Tuesday, November 6th, 2007 at the University's Baridhara Campus. Professor Omar Rahman, Pro-Vice Chancellor, IUB and Executive Director of CHPD, moderated the seminar, which was chaired by Professor Bazlul Mobin Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of Independent University, Bangladesh. Dr Tanvir A Khan, Registrar, Independent University, Bangladesh delivered the formal Vote of Thanks.
Drug awareness at East West University
East West University and Department of Narcotic's Control organized a seminar titled “ Awareness Building Program on Drug Abuses” at the University auditorium on 22 November.
Chaired by Prof. Mohammed Sharif, Vice Chancellor of EWU, Prof. Dr. Nazmul Ahsan, Director& Chief Consultant, Central Treatment Center, Department of Narcotics Control, presented the keynote paper on the seminar topic. He expressed his determination to strengthen action and cooperation to create a society free from drug abuse. Also, Mr. Shahinul Islam, Director (Preventive Education), Department of Narcotics Control, made a brief speech on raising awareness against drug in our country.
Seminar on "Bridging the gap between Academic and Industry"
Recently a seminar on Information Technology was held at the Auditorium in United International University (UIU) on the occasion of UIU Open Day 2007. The seminar was titled as "Bridging the gap between Academic and Industry".
In the seminar, Mr. AKM Ahmedul Islam, COO, BJIT and Mr. AKM Fahim Mashroor, CEO, BD Jobs. com Lltd attended as special guests. Vice Chancellor of UIU, Prof. Dr. M. Rezwan Khan graced the occasion by his presence as Chief Guest. The seminar was presided over by Dr. Hasan Sarwar, Associate Professor, Department of CSE. Director of Student Affairs and Mr. Shahriar Ahmed Chowdhury, Moderator, UIU Science and Engineering Club, faculty members and numerous students attended the seminar. All the speakers emphasized on the development of analytical and mathematical capability of students.
A Seminar at Eastern University
The Faculty of Law of Eastern University organzed a seminar on “Prevention of Violence Against Women: Law and Practice in Bangladesh” in the University auditorium at Campus-2 (H #8/A, R#4, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka) on November 24, 2007 at 3.00pm. Justice Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Chairman, Bangladesh Press Council, Dhaka was the Chief Guest. Prof Dr Borhan Uddin Khan, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka was the special guest while Md Manjurul Basit, District and Session Judge, Anti Women and Children oppressions tribunal-2 was the guest of honor. The seminar was presided over by Prof Dr Rahim B Talukdar, Vice Chancellor, Eastern University.
Wg Cdr Md Tabarak Hossain Bhuiyan, psc (Retd), Senior Vice President and Head of Human resources Division of Prime Bank Limited receiving the Chancellor's Gold Medal from the Chancellor and Honourable President of The People's Republic of Bangladesh at the Convocation Ceremony of North South University on 19th November 2007. He secured CGPA 4.00 out of 4.00, which is an outstanding academic feat. |
Reception in honour of Dr. Ahrar Ahmed
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) accorded a reception on last Thursday to Dr. Ahrar Ahmed, senior Fulbright Scholar, SLASS, on his being named the “South Dakota Professor of the Year” by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (USA).
Inauguration of DIU Law Department
The Department of Law of Daffodil International University at the Uttara Campus, located on Road 07, sector 03 was inaugurated by Md. Masder Hossain, Inspector General of Registration, Ministry of Law on 01 December. Prof. Dr. Aminul Islam, Vice Chancellor of DIU presided over the programme.
Admission process begins at RUET on Dec 10
The admission test for 2007-08 session of Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology was held on last Sunday. A total of 3,858 students out of 4568 appeared for the admission test. The results will be published on December 9, and the admission process will start from December 10, Ruet Public Relation Department said. This year 485 students will be admitted into six departments according to merit lists while five students will be admitted from Indigenous quota.
Ruet vice chancellor professor Dr. AFM Anwarul Haque visited admission test room and thanked all for holding peacefully admission test in the campus.
-AKM Ratan
(R) 2007 |