Colourful Cultural Festival at IUB
Campus desk
A colourful cultural programme was staged recently by the Division of Student Activities of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) to extend very a warm welcome to the newly admitted students of Spring 2007 semester.
Feminism and Literature An Interactive Speech by Dr. Radha Chakravarty
Mushira Habib
The department of English and Humanities of BRAC University arranged a seminar by Dr. Radha Chakravarty on Feminism and Literature, on the 12th November at the university campus. |
Inter-Medical College Anti-Corruption Debate Competition 2007
Tabassum Mokhduma
Health is one of the fundamental rights of the people. But after 36 years of independence, Bangladesh still fails in ensuring proper health care facilities for all.
“Sir, how big should be my Internship Report?”
A guide to report writing
Siddique Hayat Khan
"Sir, how big should be my internship report? |
Aiming Towards Excellence
Edexcel Celebrates 35 years in Bangladesh
Feeda Hasan Shahed & Sarah Z H
'Edexcel' the term itself has signified excellence without many of our knowing about its sole contribution to the much debated education system in Bangladesh.
Law is an Instrument of Achieving Justice - Dr. Abdullah Al Faruque
Interview taken by Tabassum Mokhduma on behalf of Star Campus
Law is a distinctive social institution, a collection of sets of propositions, a source of rights, duties and powers. |
Architecture week 2007 Brac University
Fahim Mostafa
It is mentioned in the Shilpa Shastra “In space through the architecture….…A person can experience the Divine.”
A nonagenarian political dream
Dr Binoy Barman
We have learnt from media coverage that at the age of 97 Biplobi Binod Bihari Chowdhury has shown interest in taking part in the parliamentary elections.
The Mind is Mightier than the Sword!
"Battle of Minds" comes to IUB
Naomi Ahmad
All the banners were up; the posters were in place and even the multi-media was all set up.
Friendship: A cold side discovered….
Rasheduzzaman Mojumder
If I ask anyone about the best part of his education, s/he will surely talk about the school life s/he passed.
Bangladeshis- the most tolerant!!
Samantha Saberin
According to me, Bangladeshis are the most tolerant people in the whole world.
13th Annual Cultural Evening of NSU!
Sabrina Hasan Shoily
Annual cultural evening (ACE) is perhaps one of the most awaited events of the year for the students of North South University (NSU).
"Teenage" galaxies give hints of early Milky Way
By Ben Hirschler / London Reuters
The young building blocks of galaxies similar to the Milky Way have been spotted for the first time by astronomers, giving a tantalizing glimpse of how our stellar backyard may have formed.