
Internship is an essential part of the regular BBA/MBA program and is equivalent to 5 credits. It gives students an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in real life situations. The internship program covers a semester equivalent of 16 weeks with a 12 weeks organizational attachment, followed by a 4 weeks report writing on a selected topic under a faculty advisor (refer to university rules). At the end of this period students are required to defend their reports in front of a panel of faculties. The internship is graded on the basis of the student's performance during the attachment period, the report, and finally his/her defense.
1. Prerequisites for internship:
(a) Completion of the required courses: In order to be able to join the internship program, a student must complete all required courses (i.e. foundation, core and major courses) with satisfactory grades (refer to university rules).
(b) Other requirements: Other requirements include clearance of all payments due to the accounts office, the dormitory (for residential students), and clearance from the library, LAB, etc.
2. Internship Period: An intern is required to remain attached with an external organization, called a host organization, for a mandatory period of 12 WEEKS under a designated official of the host organization called the internship supervisor. During this period s/he is expected to gain experience in real life situations, select a research topic and collect information for the selected research topic.
3. Placement by the University: While university program offices make reasonable efforts to find suitable organizations for placement of its graduates, students are usually try on their own to find organizations of their choice. In such case the Program office issues placement letters to the selected organization.
4. Acceptance by a host organization: Once an organization agrees to accept an intern, the authorities of that (host) organization will have to issue a letter of acceptance. The candidate must produce a copy of the acceptance letter to the BBA/MBA program office.
5. Role of the Internship Supervisor: During the whole of the internship period the intern will work under a supervisor. The internship supervisor is an authorized officer/manager from the host organization who will guide the intern and monitor his/her activities. S/he will keep attendance of the intern, assign him/her tasks from time to time, assist in carrying out research, and report to BBA Program office on the intern's progress. At the end of the attachment period the supervisor will send an evaluation on the performance of the intern on a prescribed form. The role of the supervisor are:
(a) Assign tasks to the intern from time to time.
(b) Maintain attendance and record activities of the intern.
(c) Assist in collecting data on the intern's research topic.
(d) Report to the program office on the intern's performance.
6. Role of the Faculty Advisor: The program office will assign faculty advisors for the interns. Faculty members teaching major courses are usually assigned to guide the interns with their project activities. The faculty advisor will assist his interns in selecting suitable project topics. S/he will sit with the interns at least once a week, see progress in writing the project reports, and finally arrange for the defense of the interns' projects. Role of the faculty advisor are:
(a) Assist the intern in selecting a suitable research topic.
(b) Assist the intern in getting materials on his/her research topic.
(c) Guide the intern in writing the report.
(d) Arrange for the intern's defense.
7. Selection of Project Topic: An intern will select a project topic in consultation with his/her supervisor and faculty advisor. Interns are strongly advised to select topics that are relevant to their major area. They should also consider the scope and feasibility of carrying out research on the selected topic.
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