Active Learning workshop
Star Campus Report
THE University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh is one of the first universities in the country to be strongly promoting an understanding of sustainable development for all of its students, and linking this to the development of more active styles of learning. The objective of this to produce graduates who are confident, thoughtful and employable problem solvers, motivated to assist the future development of the country, and to take up high level roles within companies and civic life. During their courses, they will have undertaken activities and projects which allow them to develop skills in communication, teamwork and reflection on their learning. ULAB staff development on teaching methods started several years ago, and a conference on sustainable development was held eighteen months ago, with international and local speakers.
This week, Professors Carolyn Roberts and Alex Steele, both from the University of Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom, joined ULAB staff and students to share experiences, and to facilitate the development of ideas on active learning and sustainability. The University of Gloucestershire was the first University in England to achieve the international management standard ISO14001 Environmental Management System, for all of its activities. Since 1996 it has also been awarded a number of national UK prizes for its contributions to sustainable development both for activities such as waste and energy management, purchasing environmentally friendly goods and services, and community work, and for the innovations in the curriculum which its students follow.
During their week at ULAB, the team facilitated workshops, delivered lectures, held seminars, and worked with ULAB Faculty and administrators to develop their level of understanding.
Resource Persons
Professor Carolyn Roberts is the Director of the Centre for Active Learning (CeAL) at Gloucestershire University. CeAL is one of a network of national Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in universities, recognised by the UK Government. She is a water resources scientist and still teaches undergraduates and postgraduates about the impacts of human activity on the water environment, and advises government on this area. She also runs staff development initiatives on teaching in many universities in the UK and internationally, and has published books on teaching and learning, supporting disabled students, and sustainable development in Higher Education. She is Chair of the national UK Institution of Environmental Sciences, which is the professional organisation for practicing environmental scientists.
Professor Alex Steele is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management and Corporate Social Responsibility, in Gloucestershire University. He is a Director of the Gloucestershire Green Business Club which is a government-funded agency promoting good practice in the UK Business community. He acts as Chairman of the Gloucestershire Environmental Business Forum and Director of Horizon South West. He is also a professional keyboard musician, often using jazz as part of his presentations.