Science Feature
What is the stem-cell research?
Nabila Chowdhury
EVERYONE wants to know about it, “The Stem-cell Research?” It has become notably a very interest topic lately. This research is a brand new technology, following the process of taking human cells and developing them into any of the 200 varieties of cells in the human body, that may include blood cells, brain cells or both. Scientists have great expectations along with the research and hope that in the future it will serve as a proper treatment for diseases that include heart disease, and also diabetes. However, with the positive hope, there is fear of human cloning and also results provided from the research included the fear of destruction of human embryos.
Human stem cells emerge from either embryos or tissue. Embryonic stem cells may be created alone for this particular research or they may be leftover embryos from other processes, particularly from in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Treatments of fertility are a result in the process of the creation of multiple embryos. Because only the best embryos are chosen for implantation, some remain leftovers. These leftover embryos are often donated to others that seek fertility assistance or ends up just preserved. But most of the time, they are discarded.
Adult stem cells may be harvested from adult tissue with minor, with any means if any harm to the adult. At the same time, embryonic stem cells are known to be easier to extract than the adult stem cells, and they have more uses than their adult counterparts.
The debate includes two main concerns listing: (1) potential for human clone and (2) if these embryos are actually human life. The main debate dealt with the issue of human clone, and the making of another "you," by using the stem cells to clone humans. Supporters showed great support towards it, and stated that the another, "you," should include all body parts and tissues, thus be needed later in the long run as one may develop the risk of illness or diseases. Opponents on the other hand, argued that it is not under a man to give or destroy human life.
It is legal to put upon act the stem cell research in the United States, even for the purpose of human cloning. Private funded laboratories may get involved in adult stem research or embryonic stem cell research, if or if not the embryos were left over embryos from other processes or were harvested just for the alone purpose for the research. There are recent debates if or if not federal funds should support stem-cell research and if it should be provided. In year 2001, President Bush declared the issuance of federal funds for the purpose of stem-cell research of over 60 existing stem cell lines.
Many argued regarding federal funding of stem cell research, that included embryonic stem cell research beyond the more than 60 specific stem cell lines, fought that the possibility to not fund stem cell research has deeper impact rather just limiting that type of research. Federal funds are not provided to labs that perform stem cell research, despite the fact that the federal dollars are for non-stem cell research. The concern is that federal funds would be performed in the right way, for stem cell research. Due to the situation, some important US labs created with great expenses, duplicate laboratories, one just for the stem cell research, and the other dedicated to non-stem cell research, just so federal funds may carry on to be received by the non-stem cell research lab.
Also, just for our knowledge other countries that allow stem cell research include Japan, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. They have also managed to make human cloning legal. Countries listing Australia, Canada, and France only permit adult and leftover embryonic stem cell research, however not for human cloning. In comparison, countries such as Austria, Ireland, and Poland have some of the strictest laws on act for the stem cell research.