News Room
Freshers' Orientation at BU
Department of Economics, Bangladesh University (BU), organised an orientation programme for the students of fall semester on November 14, 2012 at its Mohammadpur Campus. In the programme, Professor Dr Golam Ali Fakir, Vice Chancellor (In-charge), BU, was present as the chief guest. Professor Dr Habibullah Bahar, Head, Department of Economics BU, chaired the programme.
Professor Dr Golam Ali Fakir advised the students to acquire knowledge to enjoy life. He also advised them to be pro-active and take advantage of all the modern facilities provided by BU.
Inter University Documentary Competition 2012
Pathshala South Asian Media Institute organised Inter University Documentary Competition, 2012, which started with a workshop on documentary making on November 15, 2012 at Karwan Bazar campus. Faculties from Pathshala South Asian Media Institute Broadcast Department held the workshop.
Participants will submit the documentary under the theme of 'Leadership (from youth point of view)' on December 13, 2012. Those who are still interested to participate are requested to contact PATHSHALA at South Asian Media Institute, level 12, TK Bhaban, Karwan Bazar, Dhaka 1215 or visit www.facebook.com/groups/iudc.bd
Blue Tie Challenge 2012
Courtesy: Nestle |
Teams from Department of Marketing- University of Dhaka (DU), North South University (NSU), Department of Finance-DU, Institute of business Administration - DU, and American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) got selected for competing in the final round of this year's Nestlé- Blue Tie Challenge, 2012. Subhajit Ghosh, Manufacturing Director, Sunil Sannoo, Supply Chain Director, Durdana Kabir, Senior HR manager, People Development and Learning, Nestlé, assessed the presentations and declared Department of Finance-DU as the Champion, NSU as 1st Runners Up and IBA-DU as the 2nd Runners Up.
The teams had to design communication plan and build a 'Creating Shared Value propositions' for a newly launched water business. The Managing Director of Nestlé Bangladesh, Stephané Nordé, handed over the crests to the winning teams.
10th Founding Anniversary Celebration at NUB
Courtesy: NUB |
Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) arranged a three day long '10th Founding Anniversary Celebration' with great enthusiasm. Professor Dr Abu Yousuf Md Abdullah inaugurated the celebration as the chief guest on November 17, 2012. A colourful rally by students and faculty members was inaugurated by flying pigeons and balloons. A photo exhibition and the uncovering of a wall magazine were among the highlights. Among others, Professor Dr M Shamsul Haque, Vice-Chancellor, ABM Rashedul Hassan, Treasurer and Acting Registrar, NUB and Deans of all the departments and Director of NUB Trust were present at the programme.
Annual Prize Giving Ceremony at BUBT
Courtesy: BUBT |
The annual Prize Giving Ceremony and Cultural Programme of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) was held at the permanent campus of BUBT at Rupnagar recently. Hasanul Haq Inu M P, Ministry of Information, graced the occasion as the chief guest. In his speech, Inu emphasised on female education and training, without which economic prosperity can not be achieved.
Bhashani Fair at MBSTU
A five day long Bhashani Fair was held at Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU) campus in Tangail from November 13 - 17, 2012 marking the 36th death anniversary of the renowned political icon Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani.
Bhashani Foundation, Tangail, in collaboration with MBSTU organised the fair. The fair included discussions, baul song, photo exhibition, blood donation campaign and distribution of food among the poor. With the President of Bhashani Foundation, Khandakar Nazim Uddin as the chair, Professor Dr M Nurul Islam, Vice-Chancellor, MBSTU inaugurated the fair.
Seminar on 'Management of Infertility' at
Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital
A seminar on 'Management of Infertility' was held at Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital auditorium in Dhanmondi recently. Professor B N Chakraborti, one of the famous specialists on Management of Infertility graced the seminar with his presence. Many other gynecologists of the country, including Professor Monjushri from India, were present at the seminar.
“US-Bangladesh Relationship” by BIZ BEE
Courtesy: BRACU |
In order to have an experience of the real business world, BRAC University Business Club or BIZ BEE organised an event on 'US Bangladesh Relationship' on November 18, 2012. The chief guest was Dan W Mozena, US Ambassador to Bangladesh and the guest speakers were Anisur Rahman Sinha, Chairman of Sinha Group, and Mustafizur Rahman, Executive Director of CPD. Professor Ainun Nishat, Vice Chancellor of BRAC University, was the chair of the session and Professor Mamun Rashid, Director, BRAC Business School (BBS), inaugurated the seminar with a warm welcome speech. The dimensions, challenges and prospects of relationship between USA and Bangladesh focusing Aid, FDI, Remittance, Export and Import were highlighted in the discussion.
Prize Giving Ceremony of UAP
Institute of Energy, Environment, Research and Development (IEERD) of University of Asia Pacific arranged a prize giving ceremony to distribute certificates and prizes among the winners and participants of UAP Research and Development Exposition, 2012 recently. Eminent educationist, Advisor to the former caretaker government and the Vice Chancellor of UAP, Professor Dr Jamilur Reza Choudhury was the chief guest.