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Volume 3 Issue 3 | March 2010


Original Forum Editorial

A New Dhaka is Possible--Kazi Khaleed Ashraf
Photo Feature: Train of the People--Amirul Rajiv
Making Dhaka Livable-- Sadiq Ahmed

The Only Solution --Md. Saidur Rahman


Towards a Sustainable Dhaka-- Adnan Morshed
Traffic Jam--Maruf Rahman


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Photo Feature

Train of the People

A photo feature by Amirul Rajiv

312 passenger and cargo train run through the country everyday, yet the rail department still manages to lose TK 400,000,00 a year. How that happens is a mystery because for many, the trains are still a way of life. Everyday thousands of people across the country and its capital ride trains to and from work, to meet relatives and at times just to get away from it all. With 2858 Km of meter gaze and broad gaze rail track all over the country, they connect millions of people in what must now seem a most antiquated way.

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