
<%-- Page Title--%> Books <%-- End Page Title--%>

<%-- Volume Number --%> Vol 1 Num 127 <%-- End Volume Number --%>

October 24, 2003

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Living with Cancer

Sanyat Sattar

Komol Mamin has always been humble enough to keep his distance from publicity and has been walking through the path of literature on his own for many years now. In 1995 the shattering news of his being diagnosed with cancer did not destroy his aspiration to win over the hearts of his readers. He has won the love he desired and now wants to win over the killer disease. His recent works are published to raise money for his treatment.


Amakeo Mone Rekho
(Remember me too)
Komol Momin
Ferdaus Momin; May 2000

This is a touching compilation of 13 short essays, based on the personal accounts and emotional reflections of the writer. They reflect the psychological impact of the writer carrying a deadly disease within. At the same time a few of the essays describe the writer's intellectual ideologies. Some of them are satiric, yet very true to fact. The volume is surely a must read.


Nihshobdo Mrittur Prarthona
(A prayer for death in quiet)
Komol Momin
Ferdaus Momin; March 2002

This book can be considered as the sequel of the earlier compilation of essays (Amakeo Mone Rekho). It consists 9 short essays, which this time sound more like extracts from diary entries of the writer. The write-- ups are personal and deeply touching. 'Life' is time and again reflected here as precious gift from God and those who are cut short of it, can only realize the true value of it. Though the entire volume has a sad tune, it has a very optimistic undertone as well. Most of the essays are very interesting, concerning issues happening around the world of literature. These essays certainly reflect the writers wide range of knowledge. One big reason for these essays to be appreciated is that they are not only informative, interesting and somewhat sad, but also well knitted and constructed in good sounding Bangla. The language is easy, yet witty and analytical.

Osrubheja Poddyogulo
(Verses wet in tears)
Komol Momin
Ferdaus Momin; Mach 2002

Komol Momin is mainly a poet. His poetry sketches different aspects of human life. But this volume reflects the writer's mental agitations caused by the distracting illness. His will to enjoy a normal happy life, share many happy moments in the midst of nature are time and again reflected in these verses. The poem “Amar Meghbarta” (My Weather Report) is one notable piece. The English translation of one of its remarkable lines would sound like this: “…The weather report you people hear is nothing but fake. It is me who produce those dark clouds in the sky while 'living with a cancer'…”


Lathi Gurale Biscuit Pore
(Swing the stick and biscuit rains)
Komol Momin
Ferdaus Momin; July 2002

Children will love this book, no doubt about it. It consists 5 interesting stories meant for youngsters, especially those who dream of adventure and excitement. In most of the cases the writer has taken incidents from his own childhood and put them together in an interesting way to surprise the young readers! The crayon drawing of 14 year old Naima has certainly added an extra flavour to this book.




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