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     Volume 4 Issue 16| October 8 , 2004 |

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Across the Boundaries

1. Which continental African country has a border with just one country and no oceans or seas?
° Sierra Leone ° Eritrea
° Lesotho ° Nigeria
° Rwanda ° Zimbabwe
° Mali ° The Gambia

2. Australia and New Zealand are separated by which mass of water?
° Bass Strait °Red Sea
° Tasman Sea ° Coral Sea
° Pacific Ocean ° Indian Ocean

3. In which country would you find the Maui tribe?
° Mongolia ° South Africa
° China ° New Zealand
° India ° United States
° Mexico

4. Which state contains the easternmost point in the United States?
° Alaska ° Maine
° Hawaii ° Massachusetts
° Florida ° North Carolina

5. What was the original name of the Hawaiian Islands?
° Sandwich Islands ° Leeward Islands
° Pamona Islands ° Hurricane Islands
° Easter Islands ° Bikini Islands

6. What is the term for the single landmass comprising Europe and Asia?
° Eurasia ° Europe-Asia
° Asiurope ° Asia ° The Middle East

7. Which country has the only one-colour flag in the world?
° East Timor ° Sweden
° Yemen ° Guatemala
° Tuvalu ° Libya ° Afghanistan
° Djibouti

8. Where are oxbow lakes found?
° At the source of a river
° In a canyon
° On the floodplain of an old river
° High in the mountains in a glacial cirque

9. Which line of latitude is half as long as the Equator?
° 30 degrees ° 75 degrees
° 60 degrees ° 45 degrees

10. What is the easternmost country in Central America?
° Panama ° Guatemala
° Costa Rica ° Nicaragua
° Honduras

11. In which nation does the Indus River connect to the ocean?
° India ° Myanmar
° Afghanistan ° Pakistan ° Bangladesh

12. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?
° 9 provinces, 5 territories
° 6 provinces, 5 territories
° 8 provinces, 2 territories
° 10 provinces, 3 territories
° 9 provinces, 4 territories
° 10 provinces, 2 territories
° 11 provinces, 3 territories

13. How many countries reach south of the southern polar circle?
° Six ° None ° Eleven ° Four
° Two ° One ° Eighteen

14. Which three nations have territory on the island of Borneo?
° It's a trick question; the only nation that rules Borneo is Indonesia.
° Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei
° Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia
° Malaysia, Thailand, China
° Indonesia, Portugal, Thailand
° Brunei, Nauru, Palau
° Philippines, Japan, Taiwan

15. What country started the Christmas tradition of exchanging gifts?
° Italy ° Greece ° Norway

16. Schools close for the holidays in North Pole, Alaska, but under what other conditions do North Pole schools close?
° when there's a polar bear hibernating in the bus ° when there's 24 inches of snow
° when the temperature drops to 50 below

17. How many stars (or suns) are in our Milky Way galaxy?
° 200-million ° 200-billion or ° 200-trillion

18. In ancient Rome, during the eulogies at funerals, mourners customarily munched on:
° popcorn ° grapes ° parsley?

1. Lesotho
2. Tasman Sea
3. New Zealand
4. Alaska
5. Sandwich Islands
6. Eurasia
7. Libya
8. On the floodplain of an old river
9. 60 degrees
10. Panama
11. Pakistan
12. 10 provinces, 2 territories
13. None
14. Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei
15. Italy (the Romans).
16. Only when the temperature drops to 50 below zero or colder.
17. About 200-billion. And there are millions of galaxies, so there must be many quintillions of stars.
18. Parsley (columnist L.M. Boyd).

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