Fiery Voice
I want to thanks Hana Shams Ahmed and the SWM for their continuous reports and follow ups and their outstanding effort to raise a voice against the humiliation of humanity. 'No Rights for the Modern-day Slave' (May 4, 2007), Harrowing Tales (October 6, 2006) are some of the reports that have meticulously conveyed the message that the word 'civilisation' is still a word in the dictionary and is yet to see its presence in our society.
We were shocked to know the story of Madhabi who was almost driven to death by an educated butcher Kalpana Majumdar and it was a relief to see Madhabi after a few months in a delightful picture with her family. We have some hope that the media can play a vital role in a state where oppression remains behind the curtain. The print media is actually stronger than any other media to hit the message home. It's shameful that they put wedding photos of Aishwarya-Abhishek on the front page with colour while thousands of people are deprived of their accrued wages. In a country like Bangladesh human rights issues should get priority. SWM is doing a very good job by giving coverage to issues like child labour, missing children, exploitation in garments industries. We hope it will help to a large extent to grow awareness and stop exploitation.
Shakawat Hossain
Department of Accounting
Govt City College, Chittagong
A Realistic Proposal to the Authority
After the present government took power, there is an expectation from the general masses for a 'Trial of the war criminals' which is a very rational expectation given the past governments' failures. The last government had tried to distort the history of our great liberation war. I really appreciate and honour those who are trying to reconstruct the nation. The young generation of our country were misguided about the real history.
I will request the authority to establish the history of our war so that all confusion is eliminated. And I would like to recommend that in the S.S.C. syllabus, a compulsory course be introduced on this subject. The entire nation will be grateful to the government if they take such steps.
Dept. of Management, R.U
On 'Picture of the Week'
I was deeply disturbed by the news about the abandoned child outside DMCH on Mother's Day (News Notes, May 18, 2007).
The unknown mother indeed had to make the harshest decision. A mother's love for her child is pure, genuine and selfless. Now, it is worth pondering under what circumstances the mother in question made such a cruel decision: had she been raped? Did she give birth to a baby that was outside the wedlock? None of these hold ground. Something terrible must have prompted her do such a heinous deed. Whatever the case may be, the helpless and innocent child will have to bear the brunt of this cruel decision.
Rafiqul Islam Rime
Lecturer in English
Premier University
Grameen Phone Vehicles

I can vouch for the Grameen Phone vehicles disturbing the peace of Gulshan residents indicated by the letter from Safina (April 27, 2007). I live near Gulshan Lake and their drivers park their vans and cars all around the lake. I had to go and have a look one day as they had got themselves into a fight over something and were making a lot of noise. They also create a mess on the lakeside with their rubbish but there is nothing we can do as GP has taken a building there without adequate parking facilities. Now Warid has come in and opened a customer service centre near Movenpick creating another traffic mess. It would be nice if Grameen Phone would help clean up the lake where the mess was made by the drivers of their vehicles.
'Kaun Bana Hai Crorepati'
Shahnoor Wahid's sketch 'Kaun bana hai crorepati?' published in the SWM (May 18, 2007) has captured the reality of our political scenario. Nothing to add, nothing to deduct! Politics has become a good profession to rob the country. Certainly the situation is frustrating but that is the reality in Bangladesh. What a shame!
Kamil Khan
Varby, Sweden
Merit or Humanity
The news published in The Daily Star on May 18, 2007, titled 'Four die at RMCH without treatment' was very shocking and shameful. The prime responsibility of a doctor is to save lives. These patients dying from the doctors' negligence or strike is not a new incident. Nothing should be above the life of a human being. But what happened in RMCH was unbelievable -- the intern doctors went for an indefinite strike as the husband of a patient misbehaved with one of the doctors when the husband took his wife to the hospital in a critical condition and demanded urgent medical attention.
We know that the most meritorious and talented students of the country get admitted into a medical college. So we never expect such irresponsible behaviour and intolerance from them. Due to lack of urgent treatment a husband has lost his wife, two minor children have lost their mother's affection and love forever. So the government should take immediate steps to introduce strict rules so that doctors can't go on strike.
Muhammad Mashiur Rahman (Pintu)
The Real Nepal
I'd like to thank Nader Rahman for his article 'The Real Nepal'. It was delightful for us Nepalese students to read an article about their country in the foreign land of Bangladesh. It's true that we have come a long way through a decade of bloody war, where our life was full of uncertainties. We are the examples who have survived the war that took the life of thousands of innocent people.
Now, there is a ray of hope for resurrection and moving ahead with an ultimate goal for a better future. In this situation Nader Rahman seems somewhat pessimistic. The current situation is far better than the yesteryears. We are very hopeful about our future. I'd also like to notify the writer that the real Nepal is not just about hippies and the present turmoil. The 'real' Nepal is a naturally blessed nation striding towards a goal.
Jyoti Ranabhat, Samrat Khanal
International Medical College
Submission Guideline:
Letters to the Editor, Dhaka Diary and Write to Mita, with the writer's name and address, should be within 200 words. All articles should be within 1,200 words. A cover letter is not necessary, but every write-up should include the writer's name, phone number and email address (if any). While SWM welcomes unsolicited articles and photographs, it cannot accept the responsibility of their loss or damage. SWM does not return unsolicited articles and photos. Response time for unsolicited write-ups range from three weeks to two months. All articles submitted are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity.
All materials should be sent to: Star Weekend Magazine, 19 Karwan Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Fax: 880-2-8125155 or emailed to: <starweekendmag@gmail.com>
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