On Global Warming
Many speeches, suggestions and attempts were made at Copenhagen in order to decrease global warming around the world. Intellectuals from different corners of the world have interacted about the issues of changes ongoing in the world's atmosphere. My plain question is that, are we all aware about these issues? I mean, why is nature changing, why are temperatures on the rise, why are low lands being submerged? It is because of nothing other than globalisation, deforestation, urbanisation, etc. We do not have to look far, our own country is ridden with examples of human actions which are harming the environment. We cut down trees, build apartments, use technology in an unplanned manner -- all this is affecting nature. We all know about the effects of deforestation yet it is on the rise in areas like Sitakundu in Chittagong and the hill tracts region. Many forests have been wiped out for the sake of urbanisation. We must be aware of our actions and their consequences to the environment. Let us raise our voices, save our country and ourselves.
Md. Zahidul Islam Zibon
Department of English
International Islamic University Chittagong
Knighted: Fazle Hasan Abed

As citizens of a 'Third World' nation, we Bangladeshis have few occasions to celebrate. But the name Fazle Hossain Abed has become a reason for the whole country to celebrate. He has recently been knighted, which is a matter of great pride and glory. This is undoubtedly a stunning achievement brought on by this legendary hero. His organisation BRAC has been providing services not only in Bangladesh but throughout the world for many years, including lighting the candle of progress in some neglected parts of Africa. Thousands of people around the world have benefited from these services. But despite his renown worldwide, he is unknown to many people in his own country. We are indebted to him for his remarkable contribution. He, a son of our own soil, is a role model for whom we are grateful.
Shahadat Hussein
Department Of English
University of Dhaka
Silent Threat of Sound Pollution
Glancing back at the issue of April 2, 2004 of the then Star Weekend Magazine we can recall the real threat of sound pollution. The boy is trying to avoid the sound by blocking his ears. With the coverage of the climate change summits, we can hardly remain unaware about the environment anymore. With increasing urbanisation, cities are becoming clogged with vehicles. The reckless driving adds salt to the injuries of accidents with the harmful wailing of the hydraulic horns. Though there are innumerable laws for road-safety, obedience is rare. Sound in any form over the decibel-limit is threatening to our physical existence. We should keep thinking about the best way to get rid of this pollution which is a health hazard.
Ahsan Uddin Tohel
Department of English
Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology
Tourism in Bangladesh: Problems and Potential

Bangladesh is one of the peerless beautiful countries in the world. There are 500 tourist spots in this 55 thousand square mile-country, most of them natural. But it is a matter of great regret that we still lag behind in tourism. We have been indifferent and careless in preserving and developing these beautiful places. Another surprising matter is that hundreds of spots are still unknown to the people of Bangladesh. Hence how can we expect tourists abroad to know about them? However, the two topmost tourist spots of Bangladesh, which the whole world knows about, are the mangrove forests in the Sundarbans and the longest sea-beach Cox's Bazar. Another prospective spot is Saint Martin's, the coral island, an extra appeal for both local and foreign tourists. But only for want of initiatives the biodiversity of this island is on its way to ruin. In the meantime, approximately 200 species of buds, many marine creatures, fish and different types of snails and oysters have already become extinct. Due to the polythene and human waste, the coral stones, which are the amulets of this island, are gradually dying. Inani, Kuakata, Parki, Patenga and Sonaichari in Sitakunda have been neglected for years. These places have huge potential for becoming tourist attractions. The Chandranath hills in Sitakundu has an eco-park but without facilities for foreign travellers. There are almost 50 unknown tourist spots in Lama and Ali Kodom in Bandarban. Spots in Rangamati lack infrastructure. The places, known and unknown, are endless, but initiatives must be taken to develop them as tourist attractions, improve communication and infrastructure, provide facilities for foreigners, etc. The government must take the initiative and we as a nation must be tourist-friendly.
Mohammad Zia-ul-Haque
Department of English
International Islamic University Chittagong
On the Cover Story “Chasing Dreams”
Achieving and providing something in a systematic manner is rare in the political culture of Bangladesh. The nation has faced tumultuous situations since its inception as a result of democratic instability which is responsible for the country being unable to free itself from poverty, corruption and other evils. The BDR mutiny during the rule of a democratic government shows how far we are from achieving our goals and as a free and sovereign nation, hindered by internal problems as well as external interference. The current government has come with many new hopes and aspirations, but the fact that its election had to be facilitated by an army-backed caretaker government shows the weakness of democratisation of Bangladesh. Both the leaders and people of the country lack education, patriotism and sincerity and a lack of understanding, trust and cooperation between our political parties are significant factors hindering the development of the nation.
Sheikh Abdullah
Department Of Finance
University Of Dhaka
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