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    Volume 9 Issue 11| March 12, 2010|

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Photo Feature

100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

Making a Century

Photography: Zahedul I Khan

A hundred years of fighting for basic rights. A hundred years of struggling against gross discrimination, extreme forms of violence and an age-old conspiracy to keep women powerless and marginalised. Yet no matter what the odds have been women have survived and more often than not emerged victorious in their battle for equality. Celebrating this historic day on March 8, women from all walks of life congregate at Rabindra Sorobor, to light symbolic candles and share a few moments of precious solidarity. Sharing this victorious moment are hundreds of men who pledge their commitment to the fight against acid violence and all other forms of repression of women and children, organised by Acid Survivors Foundation and Prothom Alo and supported by Manusher Jonno, and other donor agencies, the event was spectacular in terms of the unprecedented number of women (and men) who turned up at midnight to show their support.

Men take a vow to shun acid violence and help remove the stigma and ostracism acid survivors face in society (top left); Women from a huge number of rights-based organisations congregate to celebrate the 100th anniversary of
International Women's Day (bottom left) and Heads of various organisations contribute to the celebrations by lighting candles (bottom right)

Women and girls in the thousands take part in a grand rally at the Shaheed Minar on the afternoon of March 8 (top right); Survivors of acid violence attend the grand rally(bottom right)

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