Blocking the Arteries
Dhaka, once known as "the Venice of the East", is now occupied by encroachers who are invading the banks of its rivers. the Star's article on 20 July, 2012 has clearly demonstrated the issue through it's cover story. Dhaka's rivers have been ruthlessly exploited by land grabbers for the last 30 years. This can lead to extremely dangerous situations in the near future.
The river banks around Dhaka have shrunk as a result of the illegal constructions. The rivers also get polluted due to people's ignorance and apathy. The Water Supply and Sewage Authority has miserably failed to provide people with filtered water from the Buriganga river. Toxic chemicals released from the industries are worsening the situation. It is a pity that we are callous about the outcomes. Our environmentalists are not bold enough to protest against such occurrences.
Our tragic fate depends on decision-makers who lack patience, knowledge, skill, courage and stamina to translate their dreams into reality for the betterment of this country.
Abul Ashraf Noor
Via e-mail
A Proper Food Habit
The holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity to follow a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Through fasting we can learn how to manage our eating habits and further discipline ourselves. Fasting can improve a person's health, but if the correct diet is not followed, it may lead to a much worse scenario. To fully benefit from fasting, a person should spare a great deal of thought to the type and quantity of food that they plan to consume.
Overeating not only harms the body but it can also interfere with a person's spiritual growth during the month. A diet that has less than a normal amount of food but is sufficiently balanced will keep a person healthy and active during this month. Foods to avoid are the heavily-processed, fast-burning ones that contain refined carbohydrates and fat.
Lastly, in order to avoid dehydration, we should try to drink at least two liters of water daily along with plenty of fresh fruit-juices. Happy Fasting!
Nishat Sharmin Seoul
Rajshahi Medical College

Humayun Ahmed
A Master Storyteller
The premature and abrupt death of prolific novelist Humayun Ahmed has cast a shadow over Bengali literature. It's a loss that can never be recovered from. His epic revolution in the sphere of Bangla drama and novel is immeasurable. After the death of Kazi Nazrul Islam, Bangla literature had almost lost its appeal and colour. Humayun Ahmed at that time rejuvenated the glory and charm of Bangla literature .
It was he who brought readers to books again and spectators to the TV screen. His craftsmanship in depicting the true picture of life in an unflattering manner is quite outstanding. His creations, such as, Himu, Shuvro, and Baker bhai will remain forever ingrained in our hearts.
He had an enchanting power to hold his readers captivated. His lucid and simple illustrations made his writings a must read. He will live through his creations. I would like to pay my tributes to the timeless titan of our literature.
Shahadat Hussein
University of Dhaka
A Stitch in Time
I thank the Star for the story, “A Stitch in Time” published on 13 July, 2012. The garments sector is undoubtedly the backbone of our national economy. But its poorly planned waste management system can have an opposite effect on the country’s future.
It was good to know that concerned authorities as well as experts have come forward to find effective ways to dispose industrial wastes. One hopes that many other garment owners are aware of the latest innovations in this field and take steps to prevent environment pollution can and perhaps provide our children with a better life.
Md Saidul Islam
University of Dhaka
The story entitled, “A Model to Emulate” was extremely encouraging to read. It showed us how a garments company set a good example by instituting a 'humane' management policy towards the factory workers. The proper approach has also given way to a worker's participatory committee, which bridges the gap between the workers and the owners. These are obviously good signs for the company.
The story reminds us once again that the future HR managers in Bangladesh need more industry-specific training. There should be more research in this subject in the context of Bangladesh.
Suchona Latif
East West University, Dhaka
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