Volume 2 Issue 52 | February 28 , 2009 |


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Guru Griho

From Kushtia

Learning in Kushtia

Amanur Rahman

Kushtia Mission Primary School is one of the largest and oldest primary schools in the district and it has just celebrated 110 years of its glorious journey. In its long journey, the school has already established its importance in the region.

The school was set up in 1898. It was named Christian Missionary Society Upper Primary School (C.M.S.U.P School). Though the school was set up mainly for the Christian community, it opened for all and many people from other communities enrolled. After a long period, the school became a non-government school of the district.

With 835 students, the school is running two shifts- morning and day teaching kindergarten to class five. It has twenty-one teaching staff. All are highly qualified and come from various religious backgrounds.

Examinations are held at the end of each of the three terms the calendar operates on. The final results of the students are calculated on the basis of the average marks of these exams. Letters are sent to guardians before examinations asking them to consult the teachers if students performed badly in previous term exams.

Best students are given awards. Those achieving highest marks in English, Mathematics and Arts are also awarded. Parent-teacher meetings are held to monitor and discuss progress of the students. Festivals and competitions are held occasionally, like the annual sports and cultural competition, different national days, and religious days of the Christian community are observed. Christian students as well as others observe Christmas and Easter Sunday.

33 out of 43 students in the school got full scholarships in last year’s examination. The school gives special guidance to students who go for the scholarship.

Some extra help for the poor
The Mission School Authority, in a humanitarian gesture, opened up another section by the name of Kushtia Mission Primary School-2 at Char Milpara in 1984. The Mission authority provides four teachers to the school. The children from slum areas and other poor parts of the town get a chance to study. The school authority ensures all support including free books and other materials for them. There are now at least 200 such students.

The present headmistress Sahana Begum took charge in 1982. She is happy with the overall success of the school and with the educational environment. She said there were good relationships between the school authority, teaching staff and guardians here.

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