rights of people are treated as a
sacred thing all over the civilised
world. In fact, the fulfillment of
the rights of individuals is a yardstick
of the extent of democratisation of
a society.
our context, however, governmental
institutions have always been too
interfering in the lives of people,
though the Constitution guarantees
the rights of people in unequivocal
terms. Social institutions and political
parties are also not sensitive enough
to the rights of citizens.
result is predictable. The rights
of people are violated or undermined
at every step, leading to a kind of
social order in which the individuals
have become subservient to institutional
supremacy. The resistance to infringement
on the rights of individuals also
appears to be negligible , if not
this section, we have dealt with the
problems that people face while exercising
the rights despite the constitution
and the law being on their side.
have also shed light on the need for
creating awareness among the people
about their rights and privileges.
This has traditionally been a weak
point of our scheme of living, as
a big chunk of the population is not
aware of the truth that they have
certain inviolable rights!
rights of citizens do not figure prominently
in the system of governance and administration
that is in place today, though theoretically
speaking there is nothing wrong. But
no political system will work, and
social advancement will ever remain
an elusive goal, if the individuals
are not allowed to exercise their