Connecting young Biotechnologists in the virtual world
Mustak Ibn Ayub
In the virtual world of internet netizens have created different “societies” and “communities” in the form of internet “groups”. YoungBB is such a group that has created a scientific society for the young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh. The strength of youngBB is its reality oriented plans and program. YoungBB will not only exchange its views and ideas in the virtual world but will make real life efforts for the biotech revolution in Bangladesh.
YoungBB: What and why
YoungBB stands for Young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh. It is a web-based group for the undergraduate students who are studying Biotechnology or related subjects in different institutions of Bangladesh or anywhere in the world for that matter. It has been created to increase the interaction among the students who are willing to build their career in Biotechnology and who dream to change the future of Bangladesh with the magical power of Biotechnology. Anybody having an interest in Biotechnology can become a member of YoungBB. YoungBB promises to create a friendly relationship among its members and inspire them to unite on a common ground. This group desires to make a united effort for all our budding youngsters for the betterment of our country with the help of Biotechnology.
The web address of the group is-
Legacy that led us here
YoungBB is working as the junior group of GNOBB, another web based organization which stands for- Global Network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists. This organization has been working to make intimate communication among the Bangladeshi scientists both home and abroad. But to be a member of the organization one must complete one's Masters Degree at least. So, the undergraduate students were unable to enter the group. To solve this problem Prof. Ahmed Shamsul Islam, one of the moderators of GNOBB proposed to make a group for the undergraduate students. On his proposal YoungBB was formed as a platform for the young biotechnologists of Bangladesh.
Group profile
YoungBB starts its journey on 16 May, 2006. From the very beginning, it has created mass interest among the students of Biotechnology and related subjects. Students from diverse disciplines as computer science, botany, zoology, physics have become members of the group. Now YoungBB is a proud group of 118 members. Every week new members are joining from different institutions of Bangladesh. Dr.Abidur Rahman, Biology Department, University of Massachusetts, USA is the moderator of the group.
YoungBB maintains two important databases. One contains the list of “Expert members”. Some of the GNOBB scientists from home and abroad have been selected as expert members of the group- such as, Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Azad, Dr. Ahmed Shamsul Islam, Dr Abed Chaudhury, Dr. Abidur Rahman, Prof Haseena Khan, Prof Zeba Islam Seraj , Dr.Hemayet Ullah, Dr. Zaheed Husain, all of whom are biotechnologists and Mr. Munir Hasan a computer scientist with a love for biotechnology. They help the young Biotechnologists in various aspects. Another database contains the “members' profile”. Through this database members can know each other's location, institution etc. To increase the interactions among group members this database plays an important role.
YoungBB: keeping its promise
YoungBB is quite active in the real world, rather than being active only in the virtual world. It is trying to play beneficial roles for our youngsters. To guide our young scientists in the right direction it desires to arrange seminars, discussion programs etc. One such program was arranged in 9 Aug, 2006 for the first time in the conference room of Centre of Excellence, University of Dhaka. Internationally renowned Bangladeshi scientist Dr. Parvez I Haris presented a seminar before the members and other participants. It was the first real life step for YoungBB and it was very successful.
YoungBB plans to arrange the “First Congress of Young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh” in the month of December, this year. Scientists from USA and Bangladesh are expected to join the program to inspire our youngsters.
Aiming to the unified world
YoungBB longs for a united biotechnologist's community in Bangladesh who will present Bangladesh as a strong competitor in the global biotech arena. In the near future the young members of the group will make their ways in the biotech world and will apply the biotech principle for the development of our country. The members know it will not be a painless journey. There are many obstacles on the way. But we believe that when we go forth in unison nothing can stop us.
(Mustak Ibn Ayub- Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Dhaka)
(R) 2006 |