Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed talks about Dr. Yunus
Hammad Ali
DR. Yunus and Grameen Bank have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, as recognition for their efforts to bring about peace through alleviation of poverty. Television channels have been interviewing people from all over the world, gauging their response about this great news. We at Star Campus also recognize the merit of this great achievement of a Bangladeshi individual, and had a discussion with Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Pro-Vice Chancellor BRAC University where he expressed his feelings about this momentous occasion for our country.
Q. This is obviously great news for us, wouldn't you say? How did it feel at that very moment?
A. I hardly had words to express my feelings at that moment. I couldn't quite come to terms with what this meant for us as a nation, the happiness this news conveyed to each and every Bangladeshi that loves his/her country. Unable to reach him over the phone, I immediately logged on to the internet and sent a mail expressing my joy over this news. I finally got to him over the phone sometime on Saturday, and I really did not know how to put my feelings into mere words. I just feel happy I could somehow reach him and thank him personally for the honour he has brought us.
Q. You have worked in the area of micro-finance as well, haven't you?
A. Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, I am able to recall one time when myself and Dr. Yunus attended a conference on micro-finance in the US. I was representing BRAC and he was representing Grameen Bank. We had a sort of debate, where I was maintaining that micro-finance alone cannot solve the problem of poverty in a country like Bangladesh. I remember towards the end he said he would have to think about my point of view. I remember that meant so much to me back then.
Q. Just what does this award mean to us?
A. I am particularly happy that the award was awarded to both Dr. Yunus and Grameen Bank. Awarding Grameen Bank means awarding each and every individual involved with the proper functioning of Grameen Bank. One thing we should keep in mind is that unless the poor women in the villages worked hard and paid off their loans on time, microfinance would remain an idea that looked good on paper but could not be implemented with any degree of success. As such, these women are certainly the biggest factor behind the success.
Q. There can be no doubt this is great news. Yet some people seem a little disconcerted about the fact that Dr. Yunus was awarded the Peace Prize and not one for Economics…
A. I believe the Peace Prize is the right one in the context of Bangladesh, or for that matter any developed country. People are right when they say that poverty causes all sorts of turmoil. Had Dr. Yunus been awarded the Nobel for Economics, it would just be recognition for a theory that he came up with. But the Peace Award is an award to all of Bangladesh, to every man and woman who worked for the cause of poverty alleviation. This is an award all of Bangladesh deserved for their integrity, and so it has been done.
Q. Following his achievement, there are now talks of letting Dr Yunus use his newfound influence to help the political scenario of Bangladesh. What are your views on this?
A. I sincerely hope and pray that Dr Yunus stays clear of being directly involved in politics. He is better suited to serve as a role model for all of us, and as such should stay clear of any sort of controversy. That being said, I do hope all of our politicians can learn something from him. For that matter, I hope each and every individual of any developed country can learn from this great man. His influence in the political sector should be limited to being a source of enlightenment, rather than being directly involved.
Q. Thank you for your time. It was great seeing your point of view.
A. Thank You.
(R) 2006 |