20th Convocation Ceremony of IUT
 The grandest official function of IUT (Islamic University of Technology) is the convocation ceremony. Unlikely many other universities, IUT holds this function every year. This year IUT was proud to observe the 20th convocation in its history. It was on a bright sunny day of the last month, the dream day of every student graduating from their respective Undergraduate, Higher Diploma or Masters Courses. After sixteen years of hard work, labor, perception, and brainstorming, this is the day when they receive the recognition for all their efforts.
The Secretary General of OIC Prof. Dr. Eklemeddin Ihsanoglu, who also happens to be the Chancellor of IUT, himself handovers the certificates to the graduating students. But this year due to some unavoidable circumstances, he could not attend the program. On behalf of him Dr. Razley Mohd. Nordin, Director General of OIC attended the ceremony. Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia was the chief guest of the ceremony and she handed over the certificates to the students. She also handed over IUT gold medals to the top most CGPA achievers Mr. Nasib Ahmed Adnan from EEE, Mr. Md. Raju Hossain from MCE and Mr. Mohiuddin Khan Rafi from CIT department. In addition, Mohiuddin Khan achieved OIC gold medal for obtaining highest CGPA among all the students. Minister of Education Mr. Osman Faruk, Minister of Science and Technology Mr. Abdul Moin Khan, State Minister of Education Mr. Ahsanul Haque Milon, other Ministers, Secretaries, High-commissioners, Ambassadors, Diplomats and other high officials graced the function with their presence. Honorable Vice Chancellor of IUT, Dr. Fazle Ilahi, hosted the whole ceremony. After the ceremony there was a photo session. All the students were in a festive mood, wearing convocation gowns and graduating caps, which afterward they tossed high in the air all together to celebrate their new lives as engineers. Later at night a grand dinner, in honor of the freshly graduated students of IUT, was arranged on behalf of the Honorable Vice Chancellor.
This year final year students were awarded in different fields according to their performance and contribution during last four years at IUT, including some 'teasing' prizes, just for fun. And the main program continued in between these award giving breaks. This program was divided into two sessions. The first session was huge with funky, wild, funny amusements such as comedy show, parody advertisement, folk dance, fashion parade, “Jatra” etc. But at the end of the first session when the music video (where the theme was viewing IUT after IUT life) was being played, not only the graduating students but also the first year students' eyes were filed with tears commemorating how great their life in IUT was and the extent to which they will miss it when they will not be here. The second session was a live concert. Two IUT bands “rowD” and “RAINMAKER” played their own songs. And then…one of the greatest bands of Bangladesh, L.R.B., thundered the stage and rocked the whole auditorium with their newest and some evergreen old songs. They also covered some of all time great western hits.
(03 batch IUT)
(R) thedailystar.net 2006