Sky is our limit..
Mostafezur Rahman
 University day of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology KUET was observed with life and color on September 1st.A day, full of fun and enthusiasm touched the hearts of all. Holding hands together, we proceeded to the next level, where sky touches the curved sphere….
(EEE Department,
Technical tour by KUET students
Saqlain Mahamud Sayeem
The students of KUET in IEEE branch organized a technical tour of BASHUNDHARA STEEL COMPLEX & ENERGY PACK. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term IEEE let me introduce it. IEEE is one of the biggest international institutes of electrical and electronic engineers. Along with the professionals this institute also helps students to acquire basic technical knowledge by organizing seminars, workshops and technical tours.
The following tour was undertaken on 3 September. Our team leader Niamur told me about this tour just one day before. I passed the information to some other members. We were looking forward to a lively tour and having a great time. Our bus started at 9:00am sharp. One of our members missed the bus but nothing to worry, he was so adroit that he managed to catch us at the industry. Oh! Just forgot to mention that our first destination was Bashundhara Steel Complex in Manikgonj. We arrived at 11:00 am. The factory general manager M.A.H Serajee gave us a warm welcome to his industry. He gave a brief on Bashundhara group and details of the factory circumference, efficiency and other things. Then the assistant Engineer showed the power system and the distribution facilities. Then he showed how rod and galvanizing pipes were made. Factory's atmospheric temperature was very hot. Some machines in various sections were working at near about 1300* c temperature!
The factory was very much tidy. Within 2 hours, he showed us around all the major sections of the factory. Then we headed towards Shavar Energy Pack, another well known Bangladeshi company. When we arrived there it was almost 3:15 pm. The chief engineer welcomed us but he said, “You can see all things if you have at least two days, because it's a huge plant. This will help you in your engineering education and future job market,” he added. Then his assistant engineer took us around to show the transformer and switchgear manufacturing and other machines. Our tour ended at 5 pm.
Next day we headed for another location. It was a hot sunny afternoon and we all were headed for VMCL(Visual Magic Corporation Limited). The VMCL software firm is one of the leading software firms in Bangladesh working in joint venture with a software firm based in JAPAN. Some students of our university are proudly working there. In seminar room they showed us some software products made by VMCL. They briefed us on the steps of software development. We also saw some demo software, dot pattern technology and micro controller system. It was an awesome experience and it's always great that our university created this opportunity for us. This tour will always be a memorable event of our lives.
(R) thedailystar.net 2006