'Stand up' against poverty at EWU
Shahreen Raihana
Anyone visiting the East West University, Dhaka, on the morning of 16 October 2006 must have noticed something unusual. A close observation revealed that almost everyone in the vicinity had a white band on their wrists. This white band actually signified 'the symbol of the global fight against poverty'.
'Stand Up Against Poverty, Stand Up for the Millennium Development Goals' was the slogan of the Youth Seminar arranged at the East West University Auditorium on 16 October 2006. The program was coordinated by People's Forum on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Channel-i was the media partner of the event.
The event had the motto to set an official Guinness Record for the largest number of people being part of a Global fight against poverty. It was just to ensure that people throughout the world, including Bangladesh are ready to actively participate in achieving the MDGs.
Every day 2,400 people die from hunger, more than 100 million children are denied the chance to go to school, 1.1 billion people have to drink polluted water, and 8,200 people die due to HIV/AIDS. In a meeting held at the United Nation's Millennium summit in 2000, 189 world leaders made a promise to make the world a better and safer place to live in. Eight prominent goals had been set in this aim, which are known as the MDGs. Bangladesh had signed the promise along with 188 other nations.
The program held at the East West University Auditorium was the closing ceremony of a two day long schedule to Stand Up against poverty. Dr. Mohammad Musa, VC (acting) EWU; Kazi Ali Reza, Officer In charge, United Nations Information Center, Bangladesh were present on the occasion along with Manzur Alam, Moderator, EWUDC; Mr. Galib; S M S Imtiaz, Founder President, UNYSAB; Toufiqul Islam, President, UNYSAB; Nafiz Imtiaz, Director, UNYSAB.
Following the program at the auditorium all the participants came downstairs to take part in the 'Stand Up' event, which was scheduled to be held at exactly 4pm. Students, Faculty members and people from different walks of life joined in the event. The official youth level count throughout Bangladesh came at more than 9100 of which 310 were from EWU and 319 from University of Dhaka.
Such a movement is bound to inspire our community to take part in programs directed at eradicating poverty. Our job now is to turn this inspiration into real hard work so that one day Bangladesh can set the Guinness Record for being a truly 'poverty eradicated' country.
(The writer is a student of Department of Pharmacy, EWU)
(R) 2006 |