Programming trend in AIUB
Edward Apurba Singha
Until recently, we are not able to secure our position as an IT minded nation in the global perspective due to the lack of advancement in the area of information technology. Our neighbouring country India has made remarkable progress in her IT sector by adopting sustainable plan and catalytic initiatives. Bangladesh on the other hand still stays behind and if this situation goes on we probably face unforeseen consequences which can affect the entire nation.
As a developing country Bangladesh has certain limitations to shine in all segments of information technology. For instance, in the short run due to the good infrastructural support and lack of expertise it is not possible to flourish with hardware manufacturing plants. But we can easily make substantial progress in software development area by utilizing our young talents. So at this moment software development is the only convenient way to exhibit our strength and creativity.
Software development is a knowledge based task which requires sound programming skills. Consequently, a congenial atmosphere is the prerequisite to transform an ordinary man to a good programmer. Realizing this truth, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) takes some bold initiatives to create potential programmers by employing its available resources. Unlike traditional computer based education AIUB is a regular contender in the ACM programming contest, established dynamic programming club, hosted and organised software fair.
AIUB from its early stage inspires the students to develop innovate ideas by participating in the programming contest. Programming contest is not only an extra curricular activities but it also helps the students to sharpen their programming logic and revive them to achieve the goal. In 1998, AIUB first participated in the National Computer Programming Contest (NCPC) as a relatively new university. Although there was no stunning performance, but it encouraged a lot to prepare for the future battle.
Name of the Contest |
Place |
ACM Asia Programming Contest 2004, IIT Kanpur,India |
5th |
ACM Asia Programming Contest 2004, NSU, Bangladesh
7th |
DU Programming Contest 2005, Dhaka University |
6th |
Game Programming Contest (in Java), BUET |
1st |
Within a short span of time AIUB nominated two teams to participate in ACM ICPC 1998, Dhaka site competition. AIUB occupied 7th and 14th ranks out of 47 participating teams of South-East Asia region. This achievement brought unprecedented impact among AIUB students and energized AIUB for the next enterprise. In 1999, AIUB formed a team with Mashiour, Musfiq, Manob to participate in ACM ICPC site in IIT Kanpur and successfully gained 12th position among 54 competing teams of South-East Asia. In 2000, the same team ranked 7th and 14th in two separate competitions held in IIT Kanpur and Singapore. AIUB was the first team from Bangladesh in Singapore and occupied that position among 60 participating teams. In the year 2001, AIUB opened another successful chapter in its history as the team consisting of Manob, Amin, and Mahbub ranked 2nd in BUET as well as in IIT Kanpur respectively, and qualified for world finals in Honolulu, USA. The team participated in the world finals with 64 other teams from reputed universities of the world. Other major achievements in the programming contest are summarized below:
AIUB has not limited its endeavour by participating in different programming contests it also organized national level programming contest in order to spread the programming craze in all parts of Bangladesh. In 2002, AIUB successfully organized first of its national level programming contest AIUB Inter-University Programming Contest (AIPC 2002). After that, AIUB subsequently organized AIPC 2003, and AIPC 2005.
Aside from these AIUB has good track record in software development. Recently AIUB introduced the embedded programming course where students created programs for cell phones and other appliances. Engineering students use VHDL to program hardware for any specific task. AIUB also organizes and participates in software fairs to promote its in house production.
(R) thedailystar.net 2006