Twenty something
Bread and butter
Mahreen Ferdous Application Forms. Pen. Paper. CV. I am armed to target the squads of employers. The amount of time spent on an application form is directly proportional to the average salary of the industry. That is, for every minute you spend on a investment bank application spend thirty seconds on a primary school teacher application. The strange thing about these application forms is that they have more standardized questions than the SATs. Give me an example of when you lead a team. Give me an example of a problem you solved and how. Give me an example of a time when you had to make a difficult decision. They have equally standardized answers - I am a pompous, self important, geek (I can number crunch) who can magically do everything you ever needed anyone to do.Why do they ask these questions when they tell you what they want to hear before you begin? You have to be able to work in a team and be able to work independently and have six arms so that you can type emails, make coffee and give a presentation all at the same time.
It seems that most employers want the same thing. A reasonable person with some common sense who is ready to be moulded to fit their need. Most of all someone who can do all the things that they themselves don't want to do. Of course the cherry on the cake is being able to make good tea and coffee otherwise you lose your graduate level post. Graduate level work follows the saying about children- they should be seen but not heard. At least not until they have moulded into a clone that fits into the company. The strange thing about graduate posts is that they pay to be their 'Yes Sire' person. I suppose no one would do it unless they were paid to and be powerless enough to be on a graduate post (read office scum).
As exciting as it is to find a job, the challenge really does begin when you ACTUALLY have to start working. The most difficult part, I believe.on your first serious job is that one actually has to get up in the morning. For most of us, after three years of university, the only time one really gets to see morning is when the annoying fire drill goes off in the halls of residence and you are left in the catch 22 situation of either walking out of the building in your embarrassing pyjamas or waiting for the guards to come and find you in your room and then take you out in your embarrassing pyjamas. If such is your only experience of mornings for three years, no one should be able to blame you for being terrified of them. What's more unlike university, people will actually notice if you don't turn up to work. Get a very good alarm clock, one of those which blare like a fire drill is not a bad idea at all. It will definitely get you up. An even better idea viable due to modern mobiles -make a recording of your 2 month old niece when she is crying in full volume, then set it as your alarm sound. I assure you it will work every time, it's nature's way. I also assure you that getting up in the morning is going to be the hardest thing in your office scum job. The rest is going to be everything no one else wants to do...until your promotion.
An unsung battle that never ends
Students are given a chance to rediscover their purpose in life when they intend to pursue higher education. This period is far-reaching and has profound impact on the life of every student. But the procedure through which it can be acquired is more knotty than one can imagine.
In such a state most of us find ourselves in a dilemma concerning which field of education to adopt. Moreover the dread of an admission test is hard to sweep off the mind. It seems these assessments illuminate more than just academic zeal. It announces us as the victors convincing others of our all-embracing skills.
On the other hand, failing them can jeopardize our aspirations leaving us with a sense of unworthiness and repulsion. Yet the anticipation in between is considerably much threatening. For it is a moment of absolute uncertainty as to what awaits us. During these periods of turmoil the pressure on us is simply tremendous.
As we prepare to walk the gallows time takes on a more unforgiving pace. Making our nerves get weaker and weaker till we feel it is not there anymore. Hence the crucial wait persists. And like many of you out there the only thing left for me to do is to hope that my endeavour is paid off and I am accorded my turn of success.
p.s a student of nowhere!
(R) thedailystar.net 2006