Global standard education in South East Asia: Home Away from Home
Tarek Mollah
I have been visibly impressed by the profiles of various local and foreign universities, colleges and institutes that Star Campus Magazine publishes weekly. Notably, information on foreign educational institutions would defiantly assist and create an impact on our students who are aspiring to study abroad. Besides the developed countries; there are many quality educational institutes in South East Asia itself where Bangladeshi students could avail a wonderful opportunity to study being "home away from home". Significantly, Asia is fast becoming an emerging economic super power in the continent and with a view to this, I want to recommend particularly one institute located in Singapore that has grown rapidly and gained vast international recognition. Well, East Asia School of Business or EASB Institute of Management, Singapore; a registered Business Management Institute with the Ministry of Education, Singapore is not only close to home for Bangladeshis but it is also economically viable and offers courses comprising 'creative & innovative' curriculum that our students shall find useful to build a solid career to compete in the 21st century's Job Market.
In brief, EASB currently offers full-time tertiary level courses in Business Management, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Computing & Information Systems and Accountancy; besides Business English to International Students. Its Bachelor Year 1 (EASB Diploma) and Bachelor Year 2 (EASB Advanced Diploma) have been articulated which is accepted by 20 reputed overseas universities & colleges, for advanced standing into their final/completion year of Bachelor Degrees in relevant subjects. Thus, EASB students have a choice of various 'contemporary & strategic' pathways to complete their Bachelor Degree in one of their 20 partner universities/ colleges overseas, mainly in the developed countries.
Students also have an option to complete the final year in EASB itself. If they wish to complete their Bachelor Degree course in EASB, Singapore; students can choose from obtaining Degree from one of three U.K. Universities, i.e. Queen Margaret University College, Glasgow Caledonian University & University of Wales Institute Cardiff or Australian University, University of Tasmania respectively.
EASB's Foundation Program is formulated for school leavers, which qualifies student to enroll directly at 3 years Degree Program & affiliated by the partner University's & Colleges.
EASB's Certificate in Business English or English Training for Degree Programs (ETEDP) has been recognized by eight overseas universities as equivalent to IELTS 6.0 when the students achieve its final level of ETEDP Level 3.
In 2002, EASB was awarded the Singapore Quality Class Status for Private Education Organization (SQC-PEO) by the Government of Singapore through SPRING. The Singapore Quality Class "Award" is given to Private Educational Institutions for attaining a commendable level of performance in their journey towards education excellence.
In 2005, EASB also received the CaseTrust mark for private education industry from the Consumer Association of Singapore. As a requirement for excellent business practices, EASB adopted a student protection scheme in the form of an Escrow Account for the students to pay their fees into.
EASB in partnership with ITTEL (an international search firm) provides guidance & opportunity to the Graduates in lucrative Job Placement.
(R) thedailystar.net 2006