Promo Logic 2006
Shamma M. Raghib
Debate is about logic and proving your point, and when combined with advertisement and promotion, this scenario changes from just a business plan, to a whole new business implementation.
Organized by NSU Debate Club, the Promo Logic 2006, was held in NSU from 29th September to 4th October. The main purpose of this spectacular five-day long program was to bring out the potential advertisers of the next generation through the careful guidance and pruning done by the leading advertisers of today.
The event started out by inspiring speeches from Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed, MD and CEO of Unitrend Ltd, one of the largest Ad firms of Bangladesh and Ms. Sara Zaker, Executive Director of Asiatic Communication Ltd, another leading Ad firm in Bangladesh. It was an informative session, where the CEOs expressed the requirements and qualities of next generation advertisers. After the briefing, Mr. Munir Ahmed, Chairman of Uniternd, made a corporate presentation on next generation advertising, which was followed by another equally impressive presentation on “below the line advertising” by Mr. A.Z.M. Saifuddin, COO of Market Access and CEO of Paper Rhyme.
The 52 contestants who registered formed 13 teams that were split into 3 groups, and they were provided with a unique product on which they had to make an advertising campaign. After a sleepless night, the teams set out to impress the judges with their logic and presentation skills, and finally secure a position in the finals!
Carrying out the enormous responsibility of judging this extremely close contest were Mr. Nazim Farhan Choudhury, Deputy Managing Director Adcomm Ltd, Mr. Iresh Zaker, Associate Executive Director of Asiatic communications limited, Mr. A.Z.M. Saifuddin, Dr. A.N.M. Meshquat Uddin, Dean of School of Business, NSU, Mr. Nevel, leading faces in advertising from A Positive, Bitopi, Adcomm, Asiatic, and Market Access and the CEO of www.dhakahotties.com, whose website was the product for advertising given to the finalists in the final round on 4th October. After intense competition, the teams Mercury, Jupiter, Volcanic and Planet A were chosen as finalists. This teams' performance exceeded the judges' expectation. On October 4th, after three sleepless nights and non-stop researching, rehearsing and possible tearing off bundles of hairs, the teams gathered for the final face-off. For the whole event, the team members presented their ideas in a very professional way. Among the present to witness this extra-ordinary event were prominent TV actress, Ms.Shomi Kayser and Sara Zaker, the latter being also the executive director of Asiatic Communications Ltd. Also present was the Honorable Vice Chancellor of NSU Dr. Hafiz G.A. Siddiqui and Ms. Mubina Hasan, faculty advisor of NSU Debate Club. The prominent faces- Mr. Nazim Farhan Choudhury, Mr. A.Z.M.Saifuddin and Mr. Iresh Zaker, were also present. Mr. Nazim Farhan Choudhury and Mr. A.Z.M.Saifuddin carefully evaluated the teams scrutinizing their every presentation details. After high anticipation and relentless evaluation, the winners were announced based on their presentation and practicality. Volcanic and Planet A secured 4th and 3rd positions. Jupiter became the runners-up of the tournament and Mercury was crowned as the ultimate winners of the tournament!
Marketing plans require careful planning, logical thinking and vocational skills, all of which are essentials for a debater. The NSU Debate Club once again proved to be one of the best clubs in NSU as this program was a huge success. The judges and representatives of the Ad firms were immensely impressed, few of them even bagged in some of the potential talents through this program. Good news is, this Promo Logic will soon be taken on inter-university and national level and surely very soon we will find out the best of the best ad-making geniuses hidden in our home field!
Special thanks to NSU Debate Club and the president of NSUDC Mr. Sarajit Baral
(R) thedailystar.net 2006