Feed Board
Love for Cartoon!
I am so glad that the Star Campus chose to write a cover story on cartoons. Cartoons are meant to be political, and information can be spread effectively through them. My friends and I often talk to each other about cartoons that come out in newspapers. We talk about them and laugh at the messages the cartoons send, show that cartoons communicate pretty easily. What really impressed me are the works of the cartoonists that were published. I loved Mitu's 'Eve teasing', which was quite comical and meaningful at the same time. Cartoon is such an essential tool for journalism. Reports need to be very precise and cartoons do exactly the same thing, but just a little differently!
Sadia Khan
ULAB, Dhaka.
Phalgun colours
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
The photo feature last week was beautiful! Kazi Tahsin did a great job I must say. Campuses celebrated Phalgun so colourfully last week. I have to admit that fashion is almost like a privilege for students, because some of us just cannot carry out the task of looking nice, when you have to travel on dingy, crowded buses, and then sit in traffics for hours. After all that, students rarely find it easy to dress up for loved ones. But Phalgun brought out the colours from within last week. Maybe the photo feature had something to do with it! But jokes aside, I think the pictures were amazing. They should have been much bigger in size though.
Anindo Sarkar
Independent University of Bangladesh. Dhaka.
Book Lover
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
I am a book aficionado and I cannot live without books. Boi mela is actually one of my favourite events of the year. I go with my friends, making sure that I take a lot of money, because I believe that if you want to spend money, you should spend it behind books. I love the smell of new books, the way the pages smell. Maybe Star Campus should write something on that- how books have minds of their own! I go crazy when I go to Boi Mela, it is like a food fest, only better. I hop from one store to another, “chewing and digesting” sights of books. Everyone should read books, because only then one will understand the world. A person who does not like reading does not know him or herself, because reading helps us understand ourselves too!
Sumaiya Zaman
Viqarunnisa College, Dhaka.
Harsh Pep Talk
I think last week's “Pep talk for 'Losers'”, was kind of cynical. I understand what the writer tried to say, but my point is that people who are in relationships are doing a lot too. People who are in relationships are not always distracted by romance and dates all the time. There are people (in relationships) who are practical as well, and dedicated to stay in the country and work for it.
I know this couple in my class who just graduated and just got married, and both of them are very ambitious and independent. I guess it depends how we look at relationships. I think an individual needs to be really strong to commit. Maybe the writer should have mentioned something about that as well.
Gulam Sarwar
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka.
Tweet Away!
Recently I have started to understand the usefulness of Twitter. Of course very few people in Bangladesh know about Twitter, but a lot of people have internet on their phones. Twitter can be fun because you get to follow celebrities and other media personals if you are stuck in traffic and get to know about their immediate thoughts. Of course you can read a novel or magazine too, but twitter can be fun in a different way- you can share your random thoughts with friends who follow you. I feel Facebook is getting a little old and it can seem to be too much hassle next to twitter, which is a quite simple mechanism actually. I am encouraging my friends to use twitter.
Maisha Huq
East West University, Dhaka.
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